Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Abbreviation Button for the Block Editor


The goal of this plugin is to provide expansions or definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr HTML element. It helps to make your website compliant to the success criterion 3.1.4 of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

It is always appropriate to use the abbr element for any abbreviation, including acronyms and initialisms. This HTML element helps to make sure the abbreviation is understood by assistive technologies, by informing the user agent that the characters are an abbreviation, and by providing its meaning using the title attribute.

This plugin adds a new abr format button in the formatting toolbar of the block editor.


  • Abbreviation format button in the block editor.
  • Front-end result simply depends on your theme’s stylesheet.


  1. Install the plugin and activate.
  2. Use the abr format button in the block editor.


I appreciate the work of the plugin creators. This is a handy feature to have under the editor toolbox.
This plugin needs some love. Such a hidden gem. None of my SEO plugins have this feature, but now I can add this into sites that use a lot of acronyms. The next step for you guys is to add auto insertion of tag and title by creating a single acronym/title set and inserting it throughout a site.
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  • Plugin initial commit. Works fine 🙂