ACF Admin Flexible Content Collapse


Collapse and expand the layout settings in ACF field editor for a better overview and easier sorting of the layouts or moving fields between layouts.

When you create a Flexible Content field with many layouts and a lot of fields, you can quickly lose overview. And if you have ever tried to sort the layouts or move fields between layouts, you know that this can be a difficult undertaking.

This is where ACF Admin Flexible Content Collapse comes into play. You can collapse the layouts for a better overview, sorting layouts, or moving fields.

Collapse/expand all layouts with one click or each layout individually.

In addition, the text links for sorting, adding etc. are replaced by icons.

This plugin works with the ACF PRO (version 5.5.0 or higher) AND Advanced Custom Fields (version 5.7.0 or higher with the Flexible Content Field add-on).

If you are using ACF Pro in the current version 6, you do not need this plugin because this function is already included.


  • English
  • Deutsch


  • The new icons to move, delete, duplicate, add and collapse/expand the layout
  • The expanded view of the layouts in the field editor with the new button to collapse/expand all layouts at once
  • Even with collapsed layouts, you can move, delete, duplicate, or add layouts


  1. Upload the acf-admin-flexible-content-collapse folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Done!


this should be a built-in feature. To be more useful the plugin should also remember for collapsed layout. Wouldn’t be hard to implement using ajax.
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Журнал изменений


  • PHP 8 Support


  • Disabled ACF Pro V6 support
  • Fixed bug where the duplicate button doesn’t work
  • Some JS improvements
  • Some CSS changes


  • Fixes for WP 5.5


  • Optimized for ACF Free version


  • Added compatibility for ACF 5.7 and newer


  • Optimized script for expand button


  • Changed class name to prevent future conflicts with ACF


  • Initial release of this plugin, tested and stable.