Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Advanced Social Media Icons


Advanced Social Media Icons

This plugin shows a social media icon when you display a shortcode. The icon is clickable and fully customizable.


You can customize the plugin with attributes:

  1. url — Links the icon to a url when pressed, use http://
  2. src — Which social platform you want to use
  3. id — There are 3 types of icons for every social media platform. The standard square icon doesn’t need an id but for the round icon use id=1 and hex icon use id=2 .
  4. height — Enter the amount of pixels of height, standard is 55px
  5. width — Enter the amount of pixels of width, standard is 55px
  6. align — Align the icon on the right position
  7. alt — Give alt text with ur icon, good for SEO


There are three types of icons. Square, round and hexagon.
To display round icons use id=1 and for hexagon use id=2 .


The plugin uses shortcodes to display the icons. For example [social url=http://twitter.com src=twitter] .
Other example are:

  1. [social url=http://www.facebook.com src=facebook height=50px width=60px]
  2. [social url=http://www.instagram.com/user src=instagram align=middle]
  3. [social url=http://www.linkedin.com src=linkedin id=1]


Upload the .zip file with a FTP program in the folder wp-content/plugins or upload via Worpress backend.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How to display icons?

To use the icons write a shortcode example [social url=http://twitter.com src=twitter align=right]

Is there another icon for the same social media platform?

Yes there is, use the id attribute like so [social url=http://twitter.com src=twitter id=1 align=right]

The plugin is not working on my website how come?
  1. Check if your adblock is on.
  2. Check if you run the latest version of WordPress.


The icon displays but all content that comes after the Facebook short code is hyperlinked. It’s like it needs a closing tag to function properly.
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Журнал изменений


  • Added hexagon icons. To use these icons use id=2.


  • Now compatible with websites that use HTTPS / SSl.