Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Auto Image Alt Attribute


Adds automatically alt attributes in image tag where alt attributes are missing or alt is empty. Just install plugin, it will automatically adds alt attribute to all images in your website. It will resolve alt missing issue. It will auto pick image name and assign it to missing alt attribute.

How to use

  1. First Activate Plugin.
  2. It will auto add alt attributes in image tag where alt attribute is missing or alt is empty.


  • Image where alt=»», means alt attribute is empty.
  • Front end , you are views auto generated ALT attribute.
  • Image where NO ALT is present.
  • Front end , you are views auto generated ALT attribute.


  1. Upload the auto-image-alt folder to the directory /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


It says it is untested on my theme, so I wanted to add that I tested it and it works as it is suppose to. Thanks. It solved my problem perfectly. I will add though that I would happily pay for a plugin that does this but lets us choose something like «Post Title» for the Alt instead of image name.
The plugin is easy, light and does the job. To the developer : Please remove it from the top-bar. There is only one switch button, it could be under another section. Thanks!
Macht was es soll, kann ich nur empfehlen. Hat mein SEO auf der Seite um einiges verbessert.
wahou!! je ne donne jamais d’avais aux plugins mais alors la! Ca en vaut le coup juste magnifique, j’ai plus de 5000 images sur mon site, j’avais besoin de rajouter pas mal d’attribut alt, en un clic de souris c’est fait! Il m’aurait fallu plusieurs heures pour le faire manuellement! Un grand merci au dév 🙂
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Журнал изменений

1.2 (15th May,2019)

  • WordPress 5.2 compatible

1.1 (4th Feb,2018)

  • fix jQuery confliction issues.
  • Compatible with your latest wordpress version
  • Settings menu added.