Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

BP Event Manager


  • This plugin is integrated with buddy-press plugin so you must have buddy-press installed to install and active this plugin.

  • The plugin is used to create events for every group individually, by using a simple form, from front-end or client side.

  • Event created from front-end will display in dashboard as well as in front-end for the admin and the user.

  • The users can attend event and attended users avatar will display below the event box and detail page.

  • An event calendar is also available for every group individually where any user and see event dates.

  • If someone want to display list of person who attend events he has to use below shortcode [attendees]

  • If someone want to display start and end details of event he has to use below shortcode [eventdetail]

  • Note: Both above shortcode can be used in single.php

Watch Demo Video


  • This is create events form

  • This is upcoming and past events before attend

  • This is upcoming and past events after attend

  • This is details of event

  • This is event calendar by group

  • This is the details of events in dashboard.


Login in wordpress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New, search for BP Event Manager, and click to install the plugin. You can also download the plugin zip file from this page and upload it from the Plugins > Add New > Upload page.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Event Not Found ?

Go to settings > permalinks and click save changes, events start working.

Is it show events by group individually ?


Is it show calendars by group individually ?



09.06.2020 1 ответ
At first seemed like it would do the trick but further testing said delete it ASAP.
30.09.2019 1 ответ
— need translations (french, …) — cannot select group when creating event from back-office — the event I created in the futur appears in the past event list??? — the event page cannot be displayed (page not found???) — the end date should be automatically fill when the start date is changed — some mandatory fields in events creation are «useless»and «annoying» for most users (event organizer, agreement checkbox, …)
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