Этот плагин был закрыт с 09.11.2022, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Проблема безопасности.
A good plugin for WordPress, suitable add and edit all the fields
4 ответа
This is a odd plugin. I tried a lot of time to manage on it. But it is not working. How dare is it to upload in this useless plugin? It is a totaly waste of time. I heartily dislike this plugin.
I had the free version of the Car Rental Plugin version and it worked perfect with me. Then they made so there is only 10 cars available in th plugin and then I had to buy the pro version.
After I bought that it don’t work at all and I have tried everything.
Then I needed to buy their Renty theme which is compatible with the car rental plugin — and still no luck to get it to work.
I have tried to contact them severelt times and they give me a standard answer that it work and it should work.
Now I am desperetly waiting for them to help me and if not — then I am never using this plugin again.
1 ответ
Unable to use this plugin with WordPress 5.0
Google Maps will not work
Fata error when trying to add slider
NO INSTRUCTIONS or SHORTCODE information on how to use
No reports on cars booked
1 ответ
Yes the plugin looks ok until you try and use it, Then you find out it only works with their own theme «Please check out our Renty theme» 29$ very close to being a con.
I use this plugin on your website and I must say that this is one of the best plugins on rental cars. Besides it in the Russian language, which distinguishes this plugin from others. And looks on the website very well. Exceeded all my expectations. Normal technical support. I recommend, especially the PRO version.
Использую этот плагин на своем сайте и должен сказать что это один из лучших плагинов по аренде автомобилей. К тому же он на русском языке, что выгодно отличает этот плагин от других. Да и смотрится на сайте очень хорошо. Превзошел все мои ожидания. Нормальная техническая поддержка. Рекомендую, особенно версию ПРО.
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