This plugins displays Corona (COVID-19) Live Stats in multiple formats. You can add card with Global Stats, Country Stats, Country Stats with Chart and Table with data for all countries.
Please check demo and available parameters/settings on https://covid19-wp.netlify.app/
Here is the list of basic shortcodes.
COVID-19 Global Stats Card
[covid-widget type=»global-card»]
COVID-19 Global Stats Wide (full width)
[covid-widget type=»global-wide» bgcolor=»#043785″ textcolor=»#ffffff»]
COVID-19 Single Country Stats Card
[covid-widget type=»country-card» country=»USA» bgcolor=»#043785″]
Country Card with Chart Shortcode
[covid-widget type=»country-chart» country=»US» charttype=»bar»]
chart types: bar, horizontalBar, doughnut, line, radar, polarArea
COVID-19 Affected Countries Data Table
[covid-widget type=»table»]
Note: You must have to use country name as defined in data source. Please check country name list on https://covid19-wp.netlify.app/. e.g: «United States» will not work but «USA» will work. Similarly «South Korea» won’t work, S.Korea should work. This is because the data source listed those names like that. You have to use shortcode generator, select country from drop-down and then copy full shortcode or copy defined country name inside your shortcode.
Data Source: NovelCOVID/API. Documentation can be found here. Please check Privacy Policy here and License here
Installing manually
- Download Plugin in Zip format
- Go to WordPress admin > Plugins > Add New
- Upload Zip file and Activate Plugin
- Go to https://covid19-wp.netlify.app for Shortcode Generator.
- Unzip all files to the
directory. Directory structure should look like/wp-content/plugins/corona-covid-stats
- Log into WordPress admin and activate the ‘Corona (COVID-19) Stats’ plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
- Go to https://covid19-wp.netlify.app for Shortcode Generator.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
What is source of Data?
Data is sourced from worldometer, JHU-CSSE and [nytimes/covid-19-data]https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data via NovelCOVID/API
How often data updates?
Data is updated after every 10 minutes according to NovelCOVID API documenation.
Участники и разработчики
«Coronavirus (COVID-19) Live Stats & Updates — Beautiful Graphics, Charts, Wordlwide / Country Stats (USA, Spain, China, Pakistan …)» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
УчастникиЗаинтересованы в разработке?
Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.
Журнал изменений
- Initial release with rapidapi source.
- Changed data source to https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19
- Changed data source to NovelCOVID/API.
- Added Critical and Cases Per Million to Global, Countries Stats.
- Fixed link for rating notice
- 🐛 FIX: Width issue and label issue for all widgets