WP Cost Calculator: Если вы ищете умный и простой инструмент, который позволит вам легко создавать формы для оценки стоимости и давать вашим клиентам возможность получить информацию о стоимости ваших услуг и продуктов, то вы попали по адресу.
WP Cost Calculator помогает создавать любые типы форм для оценки в несколько простых шагов. Этот плагин для WordPress предлагает собственный конструктор формы для расчетов с функцией перетаскивания элементов. Более того, вы можете создавать неограниченное количество расчетных форм и вставлять их на любую страницу или запись.
⭐ Профессиональная версия WP Cost Calculator↵
⭐ Демо-версия калькулятора стоимости↵
⭐ Документация↵
⭐ Присоединяйтесь к сообществу Facebook
Наш плагин-калькулятор для WordPress интуитивно понятен и очень прост в использовании для посетителей вашего веб-сайта на WordPress. WP Cost Calculator особенно подходит, если ваши услуги или продукты имеют переменные затраты, и есть множество вариантов для оценки этих затрат.
Если вам нужно создать калькулятор стоимости для определения затрат на ваш проект, то этот инструмент именно для вас. Нужен калькулятор кредитов? Просто установите наш плагин. Таблица заказов? Легко. Возможности неограничены. Позвольте WP Cost Calculator стать вашим виртуальным помощником и увеличить конверсию вашего веб-сайта.
10 различных элементов калькулятора для WordPress:
○ Поле ввода
○ Итоговая сумма / подытог
○ Количество
○ Выпадающее меню
○ Переключатель
○ Радио кнопки
○ Чекбоксы
○ Слайдер диапазона
○ HTML-код
○ Горизонтальная линия
Другие дополнительные элементы доступны в версии Pro:
○ Многоуровневый диапазон
○ Загрузка файлов
○ Выпадающий список с изображениями
○ Флажок с изображением
○ Радиокнопка с изображением
○ Выбор даты
○ Выбор времени
○ Повторитель
○ Групповое поле
○ Геолокация
○ Проверенная форма
Есть группы элементов, которые имеют различные стили отображения как вертикально, так и горизонтально:
○ По умолчанию
○ В рамке
○ В рамке с радиокнопкой
○ По умолчанию
○ В рамке
○ В рамке с флажком
○ В рамке с описанием
○ В рамке с флажком и описанием
Кнопки переключателей:
○ По умолчанию
○ Рамка с переключателем и описанием
Cost Calculator Builder PRO – премиум-версия включает в себя следующие возможности и функции:
○ Интеграция с WooCommerce – позвольте вашим клиентам рассчитывать цену ваших продуктов WooCommerce в зависимости от переменных калькулятора и пользовательских формул.
○ Интеграция с PayPal – принимайте онлайн-платежи на учётную запись PayPal.
○ Интеграция со Stripe – принимайте платежи с банковских карт и элетронных кошельков.
○ Razorpay – принимайте платежи различными индийскими способами оплаты.
○ Наличные – предоставляйте клиентам возможность заплатить наличными.
○ Скидки – настраивайте и запускайте скидки на определённый период времени или с помощью промо-кода.
○ Система условий – позволяет показывать, скрывать или отключать поля формы на основе выполнения логических условий.
○ Панель заказов – отслеживайте, управляйте и подтверждайте заказы своих клиентов в консоли сайта.
○ Интеграция с Contact Form 7 – калькулятор интегрируется с Contact Form 7, обеспечивая наилучшее качество работы с клиентами.
○ Произвольные вебзацепы – вы можете связать калькулятор с миллионами приложений и сервисов с помощью Zapier, Make, IFTTT и т.д., чтобы автоматизировать рабочие процессы после оплаты, отправки формы или электронного письма.
○ reCAPTCHA – обеспечьте безопасность и отбраковывайте интернет-ботов, включив функцию капчи.
○ Повторитель – позвольте клиентам рассчитывать затраты на несколько товаров или людей в одной форме.
○ Выбор даты – включите в калькулятор компактный календарь с диапазоном дней.
○ Выбор времени – позволяет пользователям выбрать конкретное время или диапазон времени для предоставления услуги или записи на прием.
○ Элемент многодиапазонного слайдера калькулятора – используется для определения диапазона значений на слайдере.
○ Элемент калькулятора с загрузкой файлов – установите модуль, с помощью которого пользователи могут прикреплять к калькулятору файлы любого типа.
○ Выбор изображений из выпадающего списка – облегчайте пользователям выбор, прикрепив к каждой опции соответствующее изображение.
○ Счета в виде PDF-документа – ваши клиенты смогут скачать, распечатать или отправить по электронной почте счёт в формате PDF.
○ Расчёты на почту – сэкономьте время и отправляйте автоматически сформированный счёт/заказ (после расчётов) получателю по электронной почте одним нажатием кнопки.
○ Флажок с картинкой – добавление красочных изображений к таким элементам, как флажки. Таким образом, разнообразие вариантов будет сопровождаться визуальным отображением элемента.
○ Радиокнопка с картинкой – работает точно так же, как Image Checkbox, но с радиокнопками.
○ Группировка полей – функция позволяет группировать поля вместе, в зависимости от того, что делает пользователь, отображаются разные группы полей.
○ Геолокация – функция запрашивает, где находится пользователь, чтобы начать расчёт, или он может выбрать две точки на карте, чтобы увидеть расстояние и стоимость доставки.
○ Анкета – функция позволяет запрашивать такие данные, как электронная почта, номер телефона и URL.
Посмотрите демонстрацию плагина здесь
Вы можете назначить значение любому элементу формы, и WP Cost Calculator автоматически рассчитает общую стоимость. Кроме того, вы можете назначить собственную формулу расчета с возможностью сложения, вычитания, умножения и деления элементов формы. Интегрируйте свои формы на страницы с помощью шорткодов.
Не беспокойтесь о настройке — вы можете свободно настраивать цвета, шрифты и цвета фона, чтобы соответствовать стилю вашего веб-сайта.
Шаблоны в плагине WP Cost Calculator позволяют бизнесам легко и быстро создавать, настраивать и использовать интерактивные контактные, бронировочные или ценовые формы любого типа, не начиная с нуля.
Функция шаблонов позволяет выбирать из ряда готовых форм, отсортированных по категориям, или создавать и сохранять собственные шаблоны. Эта функция помогает бизнесам экономить время и усилия, создавая формы, соответствующие их потребностям.
Есть более 100 готовых шаблонов, отсортированных по типам форм, которые вы легко можете импортировать и использовать. Этот плагин-калькулятор подходит для продажи высоко настраиваемых продуктов или услуг, а также для предоставления математической помощи посетителям вашего сайта.
— Печатная услуга
— Дизайн графики и веб-сайтов
— Аренда автомобилей и транспортных средств
— Калькулятор кредита
— Услуги салона красоты
— Ремонт и реконструкция дома
— Услуги автомойки
— Услуги доставки
— Стоматологические услуги
— Медицинские услуги
— Обучение и плата за обучение
— Аренда помещений
— Свадебные планировщики
— Индекс массы тела (BMI)
— Услуги по работе с тканью
— Энергопотребление
— Интернет-маркетинг
— Налоговый калькулятор
— Услуги веб-хостинга
— Грузоперевозки
— Услуги электрика
И многое другое.
Чтобы ознакомиться со всеми готовыми формами, посетите нашу страницу шаблонов.
Сообщество Cost Calculator на Facebook
Вы можете посетить нашу группу на Facebook и узнать новости, обновления, советы, а также общаться с другими пользователями.
Другие отличные бесплатные плагины от Stylemix
⭐ eRoom — плагин видеоконфереций и вебинаров в Zoom;
⭐ BookIt — бесплатный плагин календаря бронирования;
⭐ MasterStudy — Универсальный LMS-плагин для WordPress;
⭐ uListing — плагин бесплатных объявлений и списков.
Этот плагин предоставляет 1 блок.
- Cost Calculator Builder Insert a calculator form you have created with Cost Calculator Builder.
Этот раздел описывает как установить калькулятор и начать им пользоваться.
- Загрузите файлы плагина в папку
, или установите его через панель администратора WordPress. - Активируйте плагин в секции ‘Плагины’ в панели администратора WordPress.
- Более подробную информацию по установке и настройке плагина можно найти в документации.
- Настройки плагина доступны в разделе Calculator Builder.
Также, вы сможете импортировать готовые демо калькуляторы
XML демо файлы для импорта включены в архив плагина.
Участники и разработчики
«Конструктор калькулятора цен» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Конструктор калькулятора цен» переведён на 16 языков. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
Перевести «Конструктор калькулятора цен» на ваш язык.
Заинтересованы в разработке?
Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.
Журнал изменений
- Enhancement: Added dynamic error messages for Checkboxes appearing when a miminum number of options to select is defined.
- Fix: Fixed minor calculation errors with decimal numbers on the page.
- Enhancement: Added an option to search calculators by name in the Calculators Dashboard for easier navigation.
- Fix: Addressed Hidden Formulas not calculating when the «Calculate Hidden by Default» setting was enabled.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where hidden formulas within another non-hidden formula were not counted.
- Fix: Clicking on an element’s hint no longer changes the status of the associated checkbox.
- Fix: Corrected display issues with the theme card in the Appearance tab.
- Fix: Fixed the issue where hints with long texts were always visible on small mobile resolutions.
- Fix: Resolved a problem with Currency in PDF Orders being displayed when the currency field settings were empty.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where HTML elements and styles were not correctly applied to Hints in mobile view.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the default value in some input fields couldn’t be removed.
- Fix: Fixed minor visual bugs.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Introduced the Default Values setting for Checkboxes, Dropdowns, and Radio buttons in Order Form. (Pro)
- Enhancement: Added new fields to Order Form: Date Picker, Time Picker. (Pro)
- Fix: Fixed the «Description position: Before field» setting not displaying min-max values for Quantity element.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the resetting the site did not delete existing forms.
- Fix: Fixed duplication of file prices in the File Upload element when no Formula element is present.
- Fix: Corrected translation for the «Show summary» text in the Page Breaker element.
- Fix: Addressed errors with the Repeater in Page Breaker when no Formula element existed in the calculator.
- Fix: Fixed warnings caused by discounts when the resetting the site.
- Fix: Ensured fields hidden by Conditions are displayed correctly in the Summary.
- Fix: Prevented hidden totals from being included in the PDF entries.
- Fix: Fixed the issue where labels in Company Details and footer text did not update in PDF Entries.
- Fix: Resolved a bug where elements within a hidden group were displayed in the PDF.
- Fix: Made column names in Order Block of PDF templates editable.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the checkout displayed all hidden totals instead of the necessary one.
- Fix: Corrected the calculator display in Preview/Appearance when Page Breaker is present.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where long numbers in placeholders in Appearance would overlap with arrow icons.
- Fix: Fixed the video on the Upgrade page not opening in the center of the screen.
- Fix: Corrected total calculation when multiple formulas with «Hidden by default» and «Calculate hidden by default» settings are used within a common formula. (Pro)
- Fix: Resolved issue where PDF contents were displayed before the calculator fully loaded. (Pro)
- Enhancement: Introduced full customization options and new template designs for creating PDF entries. (Pro)
- Update: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- Fix: Fixed an issue with characters duplicating in Formula when typed from the keyboard in Safari.
- Fix: Corrected the problem where the old Formula was not visible with the new Formula until the new Formula was saved.
- Fix: Resolved the issue where the formula result was rounded if the total ended in infinite nines after the decimal point.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Added validation for Phone field in Order form to improve data accuracy. (Pro)
- Enhancement: Introduced Sticky functionality for field settings in the Form Manager, enhancing user navigation. (Pro)
- Enhancement: Made improvements to user experience and usability in Order Form. (Pro)
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Repeater element not displaying third Item in Cart. (Pro)
- Fix: Fixed a problem when ‘Add to Cart’ button led to a blank page with ‘Current Woo Product’ setting. (Pro)
- Fix: Aligned navigation bars for Calculators, Global Settings, and Templates tabs.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where calculators were not displayed on the page when added via Elementor widgets.
- Fix: Fixed Price manipulation vulnerability for enhanced security and integrity in calculations.
- Fix: Corrected an issue where fields with ‘Show in Grand total’ setting disabled were not included in the order calculations.
- Enhancement: Upgraded Range and Multi-Range fields with an option to display Range Value or Summary Value in the subtotal above the slider. (Pro)
- Enhancement: Added an option to manage the visibility of min-max descriptions on Quantity fields.
- Enhancement: Added 6 new elements on Pro Features page: Group Element, Discounts, Geolocation Element, Validated Form, Sticky Calculator, and Page Breaker.
- Enhancement: Added multilingual support with new translations for Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, and Italian.
- Enhancement: Updated the HTML field, allowing users to change or add a name.
- Enhancement: Introduced Page Breaker element to the Upgrade Page.
- Fix: Resolved the issue with unclickable checkboxes in both the dropdown menu of Embed Calculator and the WooProducts dropdown.
- Enhancement: Added Order Form Manager with 8 new fields: Input textbox, Text area, Number, Dropdown, Radio, Checkbox, Formatted text, Space (Pro).
- Fix: When clicking on the hint, the checkbox hint window extends beyond the calculator container in mobile view:
- Fix: Name of value in Quantity and Basic slider element settings is not disabled when the Measuring unit setting is enabled.
- Fix: Numerical values entered in the Formula field are not saved, only symbols are saved.
- Enhancement: User is redirected to the Templates library after saving a calculator as a template.
- Enhancement: Scrolling in the Page Breaker is followed by Pagination, depending on which pages the user navigates to (Pro).
- Fix: Elements disappear after selecting calculations in the formula and clicking on the area.
- Fix: Calculator in Breakdance Popup is not displayed on pages without a calculator.
- Fix: Value from the “Name of value” field in Basic slider is not shown when enabling Currency.
- Fix: Calculator templates are saved and displayed incorrectly in the template list.
- Fix: Calculators from the Templates library saved as Custom Templates appear in both Custom and Popular Templates at the same time.
- Enhancement: Added Discounts information to the hook where orders are received by ID (Pro).
- Fix: Calculator elements are not displayed for admin if Formula has no ID.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Added AI helper/Formula generator to the Formula field (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added pop-up with warning when distance is over 4002km in Geolocation element (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added Integration types for PayPal payment method (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: More smooth animations in Summary for Preview & Appearance.
- Fix: Appearance in Dropdown list is not applied to the dropdown menu.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: In the «Show Summary with calculations after adding contact info» setting, «Submit button text» and «Contact info form title» settings are now required to be filled (Pro).
- Fix: Entered values >=1000 become invalid in the Quantity element with the Currency setting enabled.
- Enhancement: The settings «Show Summary with calculations after adding contact info» and Terms and Conditions are displayed in Preview and Appearance.
- Fix: The view is not displayed correctly in the horizontal layout style.
- Fix: Some calculators are not displayed on the page.
Fix: The calculators page is not displayed in French.
3.2.19 =
— New: Added a new Page Breaker element to add step-by-step forms and calculators (Pro).
- Enhancement: Send a quote and invoice to customer’s email — now does not display PDF and Send Quote (Pro).
- Enhancement: Show calculations on Summary block — now does not display PDF and Send Quote (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added new option, displays PDF and Send Quote depending on Show button setting only after making payment in PDF (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added word hyphenation for title in ‘Show Summary with calculations after adding contact info’ setting(Pro).
- Fix: Paired brackets in a condition become uncoloured if there is a space after IF (IF/Else, brackets).
- Fix: The Color picker in the Container shadow setting in Appearance is trimmed.
- Fix: Due to presence of Formula elements with the same start id (id_11 and id_1) Formula in common Formula is no longer displayed and incorrect calculations occur.
- Fix: After deleting Default value in Quantity field Formula is no longer calculated.
- Fix: The calculators page is not displayed in French.
- Enhancement: Added key features when clicking Upgrade in the calculator.
- Enhancement: Added «Type of label in total» setting in Checkbox and Toggle.
- Enhancement: When selecting only one option in Checkbox and Toggle, the value is only displayed in Total but not in Composition.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to select the year in the Date picker element (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added «Type of label in total» setting in Image Checkbox (Pro).
- Enhancement: The address selected in Geolocation is now pulled into Webhook (Pro).
- Enhancement: When selecting only one option in Image Checkbox, the value is displayed only in Total but not in Composition (Pro).
- Fix: Default value is not applied in Dropdown and Radio items if the number is hundredth.
- Fix: The old label remains after changing the value in Default Value(s) in Toggle and Checkbox elements.
- Enhancement: Added a tooltip for long text and long ID in Conditions (Pro).
- Enhancement: Product names in WooCheckout are shortened with the addition of a tooltip (Pro).
- Enhancement: On the Confirmation page, the page name is shortened with the addition of a tooltip (Pro).
- Enhancement: The calculator name was shortened with the addition of a tooltip in the Calculator field in WooProduct (Pro).
- Enhancement: In WooProduct, the Product category is shortened without adding a tooltip (Pro).
- Fix: When you change the color in the Color picker, the color settings menu in Appearance is shown incorrectly.
- Fix: In the items in the Settings tab, the styles in the «Add a measuring unit» setting do not work.
- Enhancement: Added a setting to calculate the values of the hidden fields by default.
- Fix: The Range field is incorrectly displayed with a long title.
- Fix: The calculator page does not load with some themes if only free version of the plugin is installed.
- Enhancement: Added new options for Click action setting of Sticky Calculator: Pop up summary, Download PDF, Share invoice, WooCheckout action after submit, Pop up on WooProduct page and WooCheckout action on WooProduct page (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added a setting to show or not a calculator in the background when the Sticky Calculator is enabled (Pro).
- Fix: Made the function descriptions in the Formula element translatable.
- Fix: Removed the possibility to enter HTML tags in element descriptions.
- Fix: HTML element is not displayed.
- Enhancement: Separation of thousands is added to elements when the Add a measuring unit setting is enabled.
- Enhancement: In Orders, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of selection in Payment Gateways and individual Formula elements with counts are highlighted (Pro).
- Enhancement: Formula elements are displayed on WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages (Pro).
- Enhancement: In Email, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of their selection in Payment Gateways and separate Formula with counting are highlighted (Pro).
- Fix: When activating the plugin, an error is output due to plugins with the same svgSanitizer library.
- Fix: Calculations are not made because of totals with the largest ID.
- Fix: Placeholders in Dropdown and Categories in Templates are not translated.
- Fix: HTML code from Sticky Calculator is loaded on pages without it.
- Fix: After clicking on the toggle element it opens and immediately closes on the site with the Avada theme.
- Enhancement: Paired IF and IF Else operators and brackets are now colored in Formula.
- Enhancement: Added a setting in Date Picker to prevent a site visitor from selecting several different dates or periods (Pro).
- Enhancement: Warnings show up when a user does not fill in the fields in Order form settings (Pro).
- Enhancement: Made integration of WooCommerce Meta with elements inside Repeater (Pro).
- Enhancement: Updated the view for customizing formula selection in Payment Gateways(Pro).
- Enhancement: Email and Website URLs are now displayed as links for Orders, WooCommerce, PDF and Send Quote (Pro).
- Fix: Underscores appeared in some themes in navigation and indentation changed due to bootstrap.
- New: A new feature, Sticky Calculator, was added (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added a setting to show calculations after the visitor has entered all form contact details in the Order form(Pro).
- Fix: The view inside Preview and Appearance on mobile is not displayed correctly.
- Fix: When you delete one of the products on the “Orders” page after reloading the page, the price of the remaining product is assigned to the product and not to the calculation(Pro).
- Fix: Order Form is not working when Upload File element is used in Conditions(Pro).
- Fix: When reopening the map with the Request user location option in the Geolocation element, the custom icon becomes the default icon(Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Added text transfer in the label of element option and description.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to filter orders by date.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to search for orders by calculator name, ID and email (Pro).
- Enhancement: Now you can export orders in CSV and XLS (Pro).
- Enhancement: It is possible to select dates if they are from the previous and next month(Pro).
- Enhancement: Added a setting to make the calendar close automatically after selecting dates(Pro).
- Enhancement: Added the Order ID to the email subject line (Pro).
- Enhancement: Now Values are not displayed on WooCommerce pages in Dropdown list, Image dropdown, Radio select, and Image Radio items with label-only option(Pro).
- Fix: Calculator with a short name is indented more than calculator with a long name.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- New: Added a new Validated Form element (Pro).
- Enhancement: Distance is displayed in the email when paying via Contact Form 7 (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Made the animations to open and close Summary smoother.
- Enhancement: Increased the number of displayed characters in the calculator name in the Calculators tab.
- Enhancement: Added settings to change markers for selected addresses and pickup points in the Geolocation element (Pro).
- Enhancement: The drop-down menu in the Time picker closes when clicking on any area of the screen (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added SVG format for image loading in Image Dropdown (Pro).
- Enhancement: Selected locations are displayed in Geolocation when paying via WooCommerce (Pro).
- Fix: In Compositions label is merged with the value because there is no space between them.
- Fix: Special characters are not displayed in the calculator name in the Calculators tab.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to open the map If in Conditions select Geolocation via the «Select and disable» option (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added a separate button to reset the location when it is opened on the map.
- Enhancement: Selected locations in Geolocation are displayed when paying via Soptast form 7(Pro).
- Enhancement: The price for each km/mile is displayed in Summary (Pro).
- Fix: After adding the first location with the «Ask to choose one among multiple locations» option, the address is displayed when adding all other locations (Pro).
- Fix: If you click Cancel, the selected location is reset with the «Multiple locations» option selected (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- Fix: Showing a certain number of orders per page is not visible if there are many pages in Orders (Pro).
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- Fix: Geolocation does not display the map if the user has blocked location data access (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added new Min and Max operators to the Formula element.
- Fix: After selecting a piece of string text, entering characters causes a space to appear before the new character in Formula.
- Fix: If the label for the option in the Dropdown element is longer than 100 characters, c 4 lines of words do not fit in the width of the field in the dropdown menu.
- Fix: When the device width is between 768 and 820 pixels, the total field in the sticky total is not displayed (Pro).
- Fix: Contact Information is not displayed in PDF after payment without the Order form (Pro).
- Fix: If a long title is entered in the Texts field in the Confirmation page settings, words are not transferred (Pro).
- Fix: No transition to Cart page when using WooCommerce and Order form is enabled (Pro).
- Fix: If the label for the option in the Image dropdown element is longer than 100 characters, c 4 lines of words do not fit in the width of the field in the dropdown menu (Pro).
- Fix: If Payments methods are set up, they don’t show up in Preview and Appearance (Pro).
- New: Added a Location element to the builder to get a customer location (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added counting of added Repeater to the right of the label in Total (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added an option to show the Confirmation page (Pro).
- Fix: Instead of the selected formula in Payments, the formula with the highest ID is added to the cart (Pro).
- Fix: After the Show/Hide condition is met, items inside the Group field are no longer required to be filled (Pro).
- Fix: Stripe is not sending emails after payment (Pro).
- Fix: Scripts from the Confirmation page are shown on the page load (Pro).
- Fix: Clicking on «Order again» pulls up the price for the product instead of calculations and options from the calculator on the Cart and Checkout page (Pro).
- Fix: Files are not sent to the Email template from File upload when paying without the Order form (Pro).
- Fix: An item cannot be deleted until the Formula is saved.
- Fix: Removed the extra slash «/» in the path on the calculator page.
- Enhancement: Added text transfer for options of Dropdown list and Image dropdown elements with long text (Pro).
- Enhancement: Added promo code information when downloading a PDF document and when sending a PDF via Send Quote (Pro).
- Fix: Transferring words in titles doesn’t work on the mobile and desktop versions.
- Fix: When hiding all Formula in Orders, the cost for Formula with the smallest ID comes.
- Fix: Text in Contact information went beyond the table in PDF with Contact Form 7 enabled (Pro).
- Fix: Values are displayed in ccb-subtotal in Contact Form 7 even though they are hidden in the calculator itself (Pro).
- Fix: Long text in the Email field in the Orders form goes outside the table in the PDF (Pro).
- Fix: If there are a lot of items, they don’t fit in the PDF when uploaded via Orders (Pro).
- Fix: When opening an Order form, the calculator is overlaid on top of the bottom widget in the mobile version (Pro).
- Fix: Razorpay does not display the price and total in Orders (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Added ability to upload .tiff format files into the File upload field (Pro).
- Enhancement: Minor visual edits were made to the Conditions (Pro).
- Fix: Order is not translated in the Email template and on the Orders page for admin and user.
- Fix: Hidden Quantity element appears in Orders, PDF and email (Pro).
- Fix: Elements are incorrectly displayed in 1280px-1660px resolutions on the Email Template, Captcha, and Woo Checkout pages (Pro).
- Fix: The date in emails is not translated when the language is changed (Pro).
- Fix: No more than 5 field formulas come in when using webhooks (Pro).
- Fix: Removed extra spaces next to values in Total and Summary.
- Fix: The calculator does not load if several Formula items are created with the same IF/ELSE calculations and summarize formula fields.
- Fix: After the Show/Hide condition is met, the hidden Quantity field is displayed in PDF, Email and Orders.
- Fix: The formula does not calculate values correctly when using Total in Total with calculations in the Quantity field.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with performance due to the sub-module.
- New: Added a feature to add discounts and promo codes to the calculator (Pro).
- Enhancement: The default value in the Quantity field is changed by the user’s value on input.
- Fix: After entering a 4-digit value or more, when clicking outside the field, the value in the Quantity field disappears from the input field but remains in Total.
- Fix: Hint text in the Checkbox merges with its background color in Appearance.
- Fix: An element is not deleted after importing a calculator.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancements: Added a button to switch to the editor of a specific calculator through the page.
- Enhancements: Added a setting to show a different measuring unit.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Fix: In Text, Radio select and Switch toggle elements are not highlighted if the field is required (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancement: Added a setting for the Terms and Conditions agreement (Pro).
- Fix: When a client pays via Stripe, the payment amount is increased by several times (Pro).
- Fix: When filling out an Order form with Payment methods disabled, Contact info is not displayed in the email for admin (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- New: Added a Group Field element for grouping fields within calculator (Pro).
- Update: The Cost Calculator plugin is now compatible with Essentials theme.
- Fix: The Conditions tab in the calculator does not open after importing a calculator with a Repeater element (Pro).
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- New: Added a new section of settings with Payment Gateways (Pro).
- Enhancements: Updated the design of the settings page for payment gateways (Pro).
- Enhancements: Made integration with Razorpay for customer payments (Pro).
- Enhancements: Added a setting for cash payment (Pro).
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
- Enhancements: The numeric keypad now opens when you tap input in the Quantity field via mobile devices.
- Enhancements: Added additional fonts for displaying characters in Czech and Vietnamese languages.
- Enhancements: Added a new setting to select a calculator by a product for WooProducts (Pro).
- Fix: PDF does not come to mail with email when sent via Send Quote using the Post SMTP plugin (Pro).
- Fix: The order form/Payments method does not work when switching between the hidden elements and Conditions enabled (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancements: Made the Appearance tab of the calculator more user-friendly.
- Enhancements: Added the possibility to hide and reveal sections in the Appearance tab.
- Enhancements: Added the pre-made themes in the Appearance tab and the possibility to build a custom theme for the calculator.
- Enhancements: Increased the number of allowed characters in the Name of Value field for Range, Multi Range, and Quantity elements of the calculator.
- Enhancements: Added the ability to activate required for elements inside the repeater (Pro).
- Enhancements: Image Checkbox is displayed in Horizontal view style at Default setting (Pro).
- Enhancements: Image Radio is displayed in Vertical view style at Default setting (Pro).
- Fix: When an element is deleted, it remains and is not deleted within the formula during calculations.
- Fix: When copying an element, the element being copied is opened, instead of the copy.
- Fix: The POW function has disappeared in the Formula editor.
- Fix: When typing a large amount of text, fields in Send Quote are not displayed correctly and are stretched to full screen (Pro).
- Fix: If you upload multiple files and click the icon to expand The icon of the drop-down menu in File Upload is not clickable (Pro).
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Enhancements: Added a possibility to display the Cost Calculator as a widget for Gutenberg.
- Fixed: Some styles for calculator elements are not displayed correctly in The7 theme.
- Update: Added ability to hide price in the Dropdown element of the calculator.
- Fixed: After leaving the calculator on the main page with the list of calculators, the calculators from the other page are displayed.
- Fixed: The calculator is not displayed when added to Pop-up in Elementor via shortcode.
- Fixed: Small bug fixes.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed: Changes to Formula element in calculator are not applied if Show the legacy formula view is selected.
- Fixed: Words are carried over in the mobile and desktop version.
- Minor enhancements.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed: When going to the calculator page with saved Meta links and disabled WooCommerce, a Fatal Error is displayed.
- Fixed: Moved the «GROUPING» block in the Create tab to the bottom of the calculator.
- Fixed: Small bug fixes.
- Fixed: Removed Lodash library from the calculator.
- Fixed: If the «Label only» element setting is selected, the value in Orders is displayed instead of the label.
- Fixed: In the Range element, no alert is generated if the Default value is less than the min value.
- Fixed: If the price is hidden in the image radio field, but left for calculation, the price is still visible in the box with fields.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes.
- Update: Increased the height of the text area in the HTML element.
- Update: When selecting a payment method, if the Order form is turned off, Stripe or PayPal payment success messages now come for admin and customer.
- Update: Text transform settings in Appearance now apply to all elements.
- Fixed: Changing default keys in Contact Form 7 to custom keys causes an error.
- Update: Added position setting (left, right, center) for Logo in Email Template.
- Update: Now the placeholder Email logo is not displayed in the template if no logo is loaded.
- Fixed: If you enable the Multiply setting (Quantity field, Range, Multi range) and make the element hidden by default, a dotted line will appear on the calculator on the site.
- Fixed: After importing the calculator with a Separate page, the page does not load.
- Fixed: As for the Default Orders Form, the price in Orders of selected formulas is displayed.
- Fixed: When changing the Show/Hide condition, the Multirange element is set to 0.
- Fixed: Cost calculation for Stripe, Paypal and Woocommerce payments is incorrect if there are several Formula elements.
- Fixed: The calculator did not work if a formula contained an impossible condition.
- Fixed: If the range default value was set in the slider, the basic slider does not pull and does not work in calculator.
- Update: The Formula element highlights the line with an error in the formula and gives a hint.
- Update: A currency sign is displayed in Orders depending on the calculator settings.
- Fixed: If you change conditions to the element value, 0 is applied and an error occurs in calculations.
- Fixed: If browser extensions are enabled, duplicate characters in the.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed: When using a Separate page, the style was cached from another calculator and the color changed.
- Fixed: When entering text in the Text field is not displayed in Preview/Appearance, it is displayed only on the site.
- Fixed: When going through Quick Tour with Free and Pro versions installed, the item is duplicated.
- Fixed: The formula element is not shown in Orders.
- Fixed: When selecting Default Values, vertical scrolling appears and items are not showing correctly.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes.
- …