Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Custom Widget Post


This is a Custom Widget Post plugin. You can set manually post Title, Image, and Link. After installing you can see «Dashboard» a new menu «Custom Widget Post». Click it and set «How Many Post Show» enter any 1-15 number. Then Click Select. You will be given fields to enter your information. Now go to the next Tab. You choose your H1-H6 tag and decide if you want to show Picture or not. Now go to the next tab and choose all field what design you like. After going to «Appearance > Widgets» You will be seen a widget name «Custom widget Post». Now set it which sidebar you it wants. NB: You must save every tab seperatly.


  • This is screenshot one
  • This is screenshot two
  • This is screenshot three
  • This is screenshot four
  • This is screenshot five
  • This is screenshot six
  • This is screenshot seven
  • This is screenshot eight


  1. Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped folder to the wp-contents/plugins folder of your WordPress installation.
  2. Active the plugin from the WordPress Plugins administration page.
  3. After installing you can see «Dashboard» a new menu «Custom Widget Post».

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How do I use the plugin?

Ans: First you have to install it. After installing you can see «Dashboard» a new menu «Custom Widget Post». Click it and set «How Many Post Show» enter any 1-15 number. Then Click Select. You will be given fields to enter your information. Now go to the next Tab. You choose your H1-H6 tag and decide if you want to show Picture or not. Now go to the next tab and choose all field what design you like. After going to «Appearance > Widgets» You will be seen a widget name «Custom widget Post». Now set it which sidebar you it wants.


01.10.2018 1 ответ
Really a nice plugin. Very useful. Keep it up.
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