

Этот плагин был закрыт с 24.01.2025, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт временно, ожидается проверка.


Does exactly what it says. No problems. Dashboard > Settings > Delete Comments (check) Delete pending comments (check) Delete spam comments (check) Delete trash comments —> Submit EzPz. I don’t have comments enabled at all but still get thousands of pending spam comments on all of my sites. Since WordPress only allows deleting 20 at a time, that’s never going to happen without a bulk delete plugin.
Just installed it to delete 1,400 spams — and it took care of them in almost less than a second! You can choose which categories of messages you want to delete, and I chose «pending» and «spam». They were removed while leaving the approved comments in place. Thanks so much for making this very useful plugin!
Brilliant! 55,000+ comments of crap gone in less than the who seconds!
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