Disable cart page for WooCommerce


Disable cart page for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to bypass the WooCommrce cart page, redirecting your customers directly to checkout page and also disable the ability to add multiple products to their orders.
Disable cart page for WooCommerce is ideal when you need to force your customers to buy only one product at a time from your WooCommerce catalog, but additionally, by modifying the standard WooCommerce shopping behavior, it greatly simplifies WooCommerce process of finalizing orders, increasing your users conversions and increasing your profits.


Disable cart page for WooCommerce plugin provide you a lot of extra features, such as:
* Simplified purchase
* Functions control
* Multilanguage
* Enable/Disable settings

Для более детальной информации посетите Официальную страницу.

Документация и поддержка

You can find help in the support forum on WordPress.org. If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

Хуки и фильтры

  • Change redirect page when cart is empty: apply_filters( ‘wcdcp_redirect’, string $permalink )


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  1. Upload the entire disable-cart-page-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Активируйте плагин через меню Плагины WordPress.
  3. Go to settings tab, under WooCommerce settings page, and enable the plugin functionality.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Что произойдет, если покупатель откроет страницу корзины?

Плагин перенаправит покупателя на страницу оформления

Что произойдет, если покупатель добавит товар в корзину, в которой уже есть другой товар?

Плагин очищает корзину перед добавлением нового товара.


also work with affected url link «domain/?add-to-cart=53» automaticly….ensuring only one product on checkout without purge,dont need custom snippet agin…….
I was not able to accomplish this «Disable Cart» option altogether for my single product page. I wanted only «Buy Now». I tried with different plugins and different code snippets. But nothing could resolve the issue. Finally this plugin solved the problem like a magic! Much thanks.
Sometimes I have the privilege of stumbling across good plugins. This is one of those cases. Not only does it quickly solve a specific problem, but it’s also beautifully coded, which is something most users miss. It’s a simple plugin, it does what it says, nothing more, nothing less. Thanks to the developer.
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Журнал изменений

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= v1.2.8
* Compatibility check for WP v6.6
* Compatibility check for WC v9.3

= v1.2.7
* Compatibility check for WP v6.3
* Compatibility check for WC v7.9
* Compatibility check for WC HPOS


  • Compatibility check for WP v6.1 and WC v7.0


  • Added «pre_option_woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add» hook to force WooCommerce to redirect after product added to cart
  • Bug fix: added return $cart_item_data variable in «woocommerce_add_cart_item_data» hook


  • Added function to empty cart if error occurs


  • Fix: language domain as requested by WordPress internationalization standards


  • Bug fix: some WooCommerce error messages not appeared properly
  • Added filter to change redirect page when cart is empty


  • Bug fix for compatibility both with WooCommerce version 3.x.x and with older versions
  • Bug fix for infinite loop when users go to checkout and cart is empty


  • Added settings tab to enable/disable redirect to checkout page


  • Добавлена поддержка WooCommerce 3.0+


  • Initial release