Dismiss «Core Update» nag on dashboard, «Indicators» on admin menu, admin bar or toolbar, dismiss «Maintenance Mode», when it is activated, or automatically, if it is in mu-plugins directory.
A neat trick, is to put this single file dismiss-update-nag.php (not it’s parent directory) in the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory (create it if not exists) so you won’t even have to enable it, and will be loaded by default, also, since first step installation of WordPress setup!
About it
The code of this plugin, is not written with a php framework, but with a simple php editor, manually, compatible UTF-8 without BOM, and Unix LF. To avoid code corruption, do not edit it with WordPress embedded editor, or with any specifications incompatible editor.
Translated by: Luciano Croce
Thanks to Andrea Gandino (andg) for Italian translation approval.
Thanks to Garrett Hyder for English (Canada) translation approval.
Нет отзывов об этом плагине.
Участники и разработчики
«Dismiss Core Update Nag Dashboard Widget» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Dismiss Core Update Nag Dashboard Widget» переведён на 6 языков. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
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Журнал изменений
Plugin approved in the directory on 2018-01-07
Detailed changes are available on GitHub.
Release Date: January 07, 2018
- Changed plugin name
- Changed plugin description
- Renamed plugin slug
- Renamed text domain slug
- Preemptive Support for WP 5.0-alpha/beta
- Preemptive Support for WordPress 4.9.2
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9+
- Work with WordPress 2.3+ to 4.9+ ~ 5.0-alpha/beta
- Make sure that run under WP 2.3+ or greater
- Work with PHP 5.2.4 to 7.1+ ~ 7.2+
- Make sure that run under PHP 5.2.4 or greater
- Compatible with MySQL 5.5+ and 5.6+ or greater
- Compatible with MariaDB 5.5+ and 10.0+ or greater
- Compatible with GlotPress translations
- Compatible with load_plugin_textdomain Function
- Compatible with load_muplugin_textdomain Function
- Updated descriptions to reflect changes
- Updated screenshots according new changes
- Updated readme.txt according new changes
Release Date: December 12, 2013
- First initial release of the plugin
- Use the filter hook and not the action hook
- Compatible with WordPress 2.3+ or greater
- Compatible with WordPress Multisite
- Compatible with mu-plugins directory
- Compatible with 1st step installation setup
- Compatible with the Famous 5 Minute Installation
- Compatible with MySQL 5.0+ or greater
- Requires WordPress Version 2.3+ or greater
- Requires PHP Version 5.2.4 or greater