

Этот плагин был закрыт с 02.10.2024, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Проблема безопасности.


11.06.2019 3 ответа
Hello, is this plugin currently working?
29.03.2017 2 ответа
Plugin works as advertised but the list view doesn’t show images, which is a deal-breaker for what I need to do. And the carousel option is what ConversionX would call a «conversion killer»: https://conversionxl.com/dont-use-automatic-image-sliders-or-carousels-ignore-the-fad/ Images* in the list view would make this plugin mostly perfect. Then again, I like to roll my own CSS, so slightly less technical people might not like the lack of formatting options, like the ability to hide the extra lines. *Images meaning large, actual-size images that we can resize in CSS or otherwise if we want, instead of simply displaying smaller thumbnails. The now-defunct «Hungryfeed» plugin is a perfect example.
Just getting started with this plugin. It’s very simple, displaying 3 posts with a shortcode. Not many offerings out there as far as Medium + WordPress integration, this is a great start. Kudos.
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