Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

GDPR Tools: comment ip removement


As required in the laws of GDPR, websites aren’t allowed to store unencrypted ip adresses.
But this is the case by default in WordPress. This Plugin prevents the saving of ip adresses and creates a menu item in backend with the opportunity to delete all previous stored ip adresses.
This plugin provides the ability to automatically remove ip addresses after a user-defined time.
The GDPR conformity hasn’t been proved by an lawyer and only reflects the estimation of the author. If you have further questions is legal advice required.


  • Backend without saved ip adresses
  • Backend with saved ip adresses


  1. Click at ‘install’
  2. Activate the plugin through the plugin menu in WordPress
  3. Execute the button ‘Delete all comment ip adresses!’ at backend menu ‘Comments’ and submenu ‘Comment ip’.
  4. Done!


This plugin seems to work very smooth. I have used it for a couple of months without experiencing any problems due to it. Having a plugin deleting ip-addresses after some time instead of regularily doing manual deletion is labour saving and reliable. I am very satisfied.
24.04.2020 1 ответ
I’ve been searching for something this simple for ages. The problem I have is I do not want my readers revealing their location when they make a comment — in my opinion, sending the ip is a security flaw (I’ve not had any issues but am glad I’ve got this now)
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Журнал изменений


  • Update to WP 6.0


  • FIX: some descriptions
  • FIX: Saving for ip adresses now properly working


  • UPDATE: Switched menu item to submenu of ‘comments’
  • UPDATE: Redesign
  • ADD: function to delete all comment ips after user-definable time