Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Sell Digital Downloads


E-junkie WordPress plugin to generate Shop or Individual Product pages. This can be used to create a complete shop to sell downloads and tangible goods using E-junkie API automatically.
The plugin calls E-junkie’s API when rendering shop or product page. If the API Key is present, the plugin calls api.e-junkie.com or else s3.amazonaws.com for public products. E-junkie Client ID is required in both the cases.

E-junkie Privacy Policy
E-junkie Terms of Service


Once you install the plugin, you can see E-junkie Settings in your WordPress Admin sidebar.

  • Enter your E-junkie Client Id.
  • For API key, go to your E-junkie Seller Admin > Products API > API Key.
  • If API key is missing, your public or listed products will be only displayed. If API key is provided, the plugin will generate all your products.
  • You can set custom shop url, for example shop, store, etc.
  • You can also edit your product listing page template and product details page template. Visit this page how to use E-junkie Templates.
  • Save changes, and you can see your shop right away.


Change your ads regularly. Your prospects could get bored seeing the same ad all the time. Statistics show people usually see the same ad 7 times before they actually buy. Just change them enough to keep them from being over-exposed. For example, if your ad said. «FREE Killer Marketing E-book!», you could change it later on to «FREE Sizzling Marketing E-book!» Learn more within this audio and ebook course by downloading it today.
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