Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Enhanced Comment Validation


Enhanced Comment Validation plugin is an effective security solution that protects your WordPress comment forms from spam entries while letting real people pass through with ease. It provides an option for enabling/disabling validation for the comment fields and the validation message and the option for reCAPTCHA Version 3, Version 2, Invisible are included.

Users are required to fill required fields and confirm that they are not a robot before the form can be submitted. It’s easy for people and hard for bots.

Just a few clicks of setup and keep your site spam-free.

Features of Enhanced Comment Validation

The plugin is bundled with the below features.


Option for enable/disable comment form validation.

Validation Message Styles

The plugin gave three options for the validation message.

  • Border only
  • Custom Message only
  • Border and Message both

Validation Option and Message Setting

The plugin has enabled/disabled options for Comment, Name, Email, and Website. For those fields, it allows adding custom validation messages.

Recaptcha Theme and Badge Position

Now you can set theme color for the Recaptcha and Badge position for Invisible Captcha and V3.

What’s Next

If you find this plugin useful , please leave a good rating and consider checking out my other plugins:


  • Settings
  • Google ReCAPTCHA
  • Validation


  1. Install Enhanced Comment Validation by uploading the enhanced-comment-validation directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Setup comment validation option by going to the Settings > Enhanced Comment Validation menu.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Does this plugin work with PHP 8?


Is this plugin working with the latest WordPress versions?

Yes, It is compatible with the latest WordPress.

Is it compatible with Free/Premium themes?

Yes, It is compatible with Free/Premium themes.

How to get reCaptcha keys?

Follow the next steps in order to get and enable reCaptcha protection using the official Google Captcha keys:

  1. Open your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the plugin settings page.
  3. Click the «Get the API Keys» link.
  4. Enter your domain name and click the «Create Key» button.
  5. You will see your public and private keys. Copy them and paste them to the appropriate fields on the plugin settings > Google ReCAPTCHA tab.
  6. Save changes.

Is it possible to use reCaptcha V3?

Yes, This plugin support reCAPTCHA Version 3, Version 2 with Invisible.

Can I use this plugin in my language?

Yes. this plugin is translated ready. But If your language is not available you can make one. If you want to help us to translate this plugin to your language you are welcome.

Where can I suggest a new feature or report a bug?

Please use the issue tracker on Enhanced Comment Validation’s GitHub repo as it’s easier to keep track of issues there, rather than on the wordpress.org support forums.

Do you accept donations?

I am accepting donation and any support you can give will help me maintain this plugin and keep it free for everyone.

In addition, if you like the plugin then I’d love for you to leave a review. Tell all your friends about it too!


Un plugin perfecto para añadir seguridad y ayuda en el apartado de comentarios. Un plugin fantastico. Trabaja bien en PHP 8.0. Trabaja perfectamente bien. Este plugin debería de venir en el Core de Wordpress. Es genial. Mucha gracias Mukesh & Dhaval . Gracias por compartir un plugin tan necesario. Que dios te ayude en todo. A perfect plugin to add security and help in the comments section. A fantastic plugin. Works well in PHP 8.0. Works perfectly well. This plugin should come in Wordpress Core. It is great. Thank you very much Mukesh & Dhaval. Thanks for sharing a much needed plugin. God help you in everything.
22.11.2021 1 ответ
This is a really handy plugin and it does a great job of stopping spam and is simple to setup and use. More plugins should be nice a simple like this, instead of offering 10000 settings and upgrades. well done!
Посмотреть все 3 отзыва

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Журнал изменений


  • Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.4
  • Fixed: Some minor changes


  • New: Added Theme option for Recaptcha V2 and V3
  • New: Added Badge Position option for Invisible Captcha and V3
  • Update: Update plugin settings page color.
  • Fixed: Remove validation message for Recaptcha V3
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes


  • Initial version