Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

GamiPress — Conditional Emails Recipients


GamiPress — Conditional Emails Recipients let’s you add custom recipients on emails you setup on GamiPress — Conditional Emails add-on!

You will able to, for example, email website administrators when an user unlocks all achievements of a specific type, or when reaches a specific points balance or included when reaches a specific rank.

In addition, plugin includes settings to force email sending only to recipients you want.

Important: This plugin requires GamiPress and GamiPress — Conditional Emails add-on.


From WordPress backend

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button «Upload Plugin» next to «Add plugins» title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.

Direct upload

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How can I configure the custom recipients?

On the conditional email edit screen you will see a new box named ‘Recipients’ that will let you easily setup to which users send the email too.

Can I force to send email only to custom recipients?

Yes, on each conditional email edit screen you have a new setting named ‘Send only to recipients’ that will force email sending only to recipients you want.


Нет отзывов об этом плагине.

Участники и разработчики

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Журнал изменений


  • Improvements
  • CSS style improvements.


  • Initial release.