

Этот плагин был закрыт с 20.05.2024, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Проблема безопасности.


Right out of the box, this plugin creates a nice-looking countdown calendar. I used this on a military reunion website to count the months, weeks, days, and hours until the reunion started.
The plugin works as expected, no errors or bugs found so far. Easily customizable: I needed to adapt the style to my site’s theme and fonts, but I didn’t have any trouble at all changing the fonts, colors and shapes with a few lines of css. Very easy to use: the shortcode allows it to work anywhere, so I could place it in the new Gutenberg block editor and make everything work in a few seconds. Thanks!
21.11.2018 1 ответ
Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_plugin_active() in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jquery-t-countdown-widget/countdown-timer.php on line 596 Don’t use this plugin! Don’t trust the ratings!
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