This plugin adds SCSS functionality, compresses JS for you and creates an easy way to enqueue scripts and styles as well as localize them.
How to use
Let’s assume this structure:
your theme
├── assets
│ ├── js
│ │ └── script.js
│ └── scss
│ └── style.scss
├── functions.php
└── …
You can now do this in your functions.php with styles:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', static function(){
/* Full version */
\EasySCSSandJS\Styles::add('my_style_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/scss/style.scss', [],[], true);
/* Shortest version */
\EasySCSSandJS\Styles::add('my_style_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/scss/style.scss');
/* Add dependencies (example: depends on handle 'bootstrap') */
\EasySCSSandJS\Styles::add('my_style_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/scss/style.scss', ['bootstrap']);
/* Add variables */
\EasySCSSandJS\Styles::add('my_style_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/scss/style.scss', [], [
'my_cool_color' => '#0000ff',
/* Enqueue it yourself */
\EasySCSSandJS\Styles::add('my_style_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/scss/style.scss', [], [], false);
And this with scripts:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', static function(){
/* Full version */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', ['jquery'], [], true, true);
/* Shortest version (jquery is by default a dependency) */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js');
/* No dependencies (also no jquery) */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', []);
/* Add dependencies (besides jquery) */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', ['jquery', 'other_script']);
/* Add variables */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', ['jquery'], [
'my_variable' => 'testing this awesome plugin',
/* Enqueue it yourself */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', ['jquery'], [], false);
/* Add the script to the header instead of the footer */
\EasySCSSandJS\Scripts::add('my_script_handle', __DIR__ .'/assets/js/script.js', ['jquery'], [], true, false);
Use variables in SCSS:
// This is recommended. It will throw a fatal error if your PHP doesn't set the variable for some reason.
// If PHP does set it, it will replace $my_cool_color with the defined color in PHP.
$my_cool_color: #ffffff !default;
background-color: $my_cool_color; // This will be blue (#0000ff)
Use variables in JS:
Compiled files will be saved in wp-content/uploads/compiled-scss-and-js. When that folder is cleared, everything will be regenerated.
There are filters for adding generic variables to all (or a selection) of scripts and styles or for adding extra content to files:
— easy_scss_extra_variables
— easy_scss_add_code_before_content
— easy_scss_add_code_after_content
— easy_scss_create_source_map
— easy_scss_storage_folder_name
— easy_scss_storage_folder
— easy_scss_storage_folder_url
— easy_scss_after_compilation
— easy_js_extra_variables
— easy_js_storage_folder_name
— easy_js_storage_folder
— easy_js_storage_folder_url
— easy_js_after_compilation
Участники и разработчики
«Easy SCSS and JS» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
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Журнал изменений
— Updated scssphp to 1.11.0
— Updated scssphp to 1.10.5
— Updated scssphp to 1.10.2
— Updated scssphp to 1.10.1
— Removed legacy code
— Added the easy_css_after_compilation and easy_js_after_compilation filters
— Upgraded scssphp to 1.10.0
— Added the easy_css_after_compilation and easy_js_after_compilation filters
— Upgraded scssphp to 1.9.0
— Added the ability to include URLs, which are then cached, minified and served
— Upgraded scssphp to 1.7.0