Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Latipay WooCommerce Payment Gateway


Accept Card Payments, NZ Banks, Alipay, WeChatPay, MoneyMore, PayID and more all in one plugin for free!

The Latipay plugin extends WooCommerce allowing you to take payments directly on your store via Latipay’s API.

Latipay is a leading financial technology company founded in 2015. Latipay specialises in innovative payment products, provides payment solutions for marketplaces, cross-border transactions, social-media commerce, mobile business payment solutions, micro-instant payment, subscriptions/recurring billings and virtual card issuing.

Payment Methods Available:

  • Card Payments — Visa / MasterCard
  • Alipay
  • WeChatPay
  • MoneyMore
  • NZ Banks
  • PayID
  • UnionPay

Supported Regions:

  • New Zealand
  • Australia



  • Install Latipay WooCommerce Payment Gateway plugin
  • Login to your Latipay merchant portal Click to login
  • Get your User ID, API Key and Wallet ID and setup the plugin Get now


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended

Automatic installation

Manual installation


Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How to setup Latipay plugin?

Become our merchant
After you have completed the installation, the next step is to sign up as a Latipay merchant so you can use our plugin.
Click to onboard
And you can find out more about Latipay on our website

Get you Wallet ID, User ID and API Key
You can get your Wallet ID, User ID and API key via Latipay Merchant Portal.
And here is a support guide

Setup your Latipay plugin
After you have got your Wallet ID, User ID and API key, it is time to setup your plugin setting.

1.Go to your Latipay setting

2.Enter your Wallet ID, User ID and API Key
Click [Save] button to save your setting.

3.Click [Go woo setting]
You will see your new gateways under [Payments] setting

Make sure to enable those gateways provided by Latipay and save your changes.

Once you have done all these setting, your customer can check out with more payment methods provided by Latipay!

For more question, you can email us.
Our email is customerservice@latipay.net.

Will WooCommerce work with Latipay?

Yes. The Latipay plugin can work smoothly with WooCommerce.

How do I update Latipay plugin?

Automatic updates should work like a charm.

My site broke – what do I do?

If there is a technical problem, we will solve it and contact you at the first time.
You can email us, if you have more question.
Our email is customerservice@latipay.net.

Where can I report bugs?

You can email us. We will solve the bug as soon as possible.
Our email is customerservice@latipay.net.

My question is not listed here. Where can I find more answers?

You can find support and help in the Latipay website or email us.
Our email is customerservice@latipay.net.


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Журнал изменений

3.3.1 — 2024-09-18

replace get_status() with get_data()

3.3.0 — 2024-07-08

modified return page without session

3.2.8 — 2024-05-08

optimized features of Card payments

3.2.7 — 2024-05-08

optimized features of Card payments

3.2.6 — 2023-09-12

optimized the processing of payment status

3.2.5 — 2023-09-12

added a new feature for display the payment status on the callback page

3.2.0 — 2023-03-29

added a new payment method called Card Payments including Visa / MasterCard

3.1.12 — 2021-10-04

added a new payment method called UnionPay

3.1.11 — 2021-06-22

renew the version

3.1.10 — 2021-06-22

updated readme.txt for the right description of version 3.1.9

3.1.9 — 2021-06-20

added a payment method called PayID for Australian merchants

3.1.8 — 2021-02-25

updated payment title of NZ Banks

3.1.7 — 2021-02-21

updated settings of NZ Banks

3.1.6 — 2021-02-21

update the tag to new version

3.1.5 — 2021-02-21

update the tag to new version

3.1.4 — 2021-02-21

renew the NZ Banks features

3.1.3 — 2021-02-21

added new payment method of NZ Banks

3.1.2 — 2020-12-08

bug fixed for woocommerce order status

3.1.1 — 2020-11-30

bug fixed for database save currency option

3.1.0 — 2020-11-05

bug fixed