Limit-Post is one of the better WordPress post content limiters we have come across, both in terms of usability and size. Developed by labitacora.net Limit-Post provides excellent control over the post character-length and even adds the ability to create a «read more …» link with a single line of code.
With «Limit Post Add-On» we have expanded on the original plugin to include WordPress’ get_the_content tag in order to limit post copy with stripped html tags.
Plugin URL
To install the plugin just follow these simple steps:
- Download the plugin and expand it.
- Copy the limitpost-addon folder into your plugins folder ( wp-content/plugins ).
- Log-in to the WordPress administration panel and visit the Plugins page.
- Locate the Limit Post plugin and click on the activate link.
- Replace the_content(); with the_content_limit(200, «continue…»); or
- Replace the_content(); with get_the_content(200, «continue…»);
Нет отзывов об этом плагине.
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«Limit Post Add-On» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
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Журнал изменений
- Updated code to ensure functionality with WordPress 6.7.1
- Updated code to ensure functionality with WordPress 6.4.3+
- Updated Required Headers for readme.txt
- Updated Required Headers for limit-post-add-on.php
- Updated code to ensure functionality with WordPress 6.1.1+
- Updated code to ensure functionality with WordPress 5.7.1+