Create your Signup Forms with Contact Form 7 and allow users to signup to your newsletter.
This Plugin requires Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
Additional Info
This Plugin requires Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Create a new Contact Form 7 form. Provide at least an email field
- Save your form
- Select The Mailster tab and configure the form for Mailster
If a user subscribes to the contact form 7 form with this plugin, they will be added to the list, but their status will not be automatically confirmed. «Double-opt-In» is turned off, meaning they do not have to confirm their unsubscribe, but the user will still not be active. Is there another setting that I missed, or is the plugin unable to make the user an active subscriber immediately?
1 ответ
Hi, I improved the validate and add_subscriber function in classes/contactform.class.php to allow contact from7 to display more errors from mailster instead of just error messages for duplicate subscribers.
public function validate( $result, $tags ) { if ( ! $result->is_valid() ) { return $result; } if ( ! function_exists( ‘mailster’ ) ) { return $result; } $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); if ( ! $submission || ! $posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data() ) { return $result; } $form = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current(); $properties = $form->get_properties(); // no Mailster settings if ( ! isset( $properties[’mailster’] ) ) { return $result; } $properties = $properties[’mailster’]; // not enabled if ( ! $properties[’enabled’] ) { return $result; } // checkbox defined but not checked if ( isset( $properties[’checkbox’] ) && $properties[’checkbox’] && empty( $posted_data[ $properties[’checkboxfield’] ][0] ) ) { return $result; } $this->userdata = array(); $tag_keys = array_flip( array_filter( wp_list_pluck( $tags, ‘name’ ) ) ); foreach ( $properties[’fields’] as $field => $tag ) { $this->userdata[ $field ] = is_array( $posted_data[ $tag ] ) ? $posted_data[ $tag ][0] : $posted_data[ $tag ]; } $this->userdata[’status’] = $properties[’doubleoptin’] ? 0 : 1; if ( isset( $properties[’gdpr_timestamp’] ) && $properties[’gdpr_timestamp’] ) { $this->userdata[’gdpr’] = time(); } $this->userdata = apply_filters( ‘mailster_verify_subscriber’, $this->userdata ); if ( is_wp_error( $this->userdata ) ) { $result->invalidate( $tags[ $tag_keys[ $properties[’fields’][ $this->userdata->get_error_code() ] ] ], $this->userdata->get_error_message() ); return $result; } $overwrite = $properties[’overwrite’]; if ( ! $overwrite && mailster( ‘subscribers’ )->get_by_mail( $this->userdata[’email’] ) ) { $error_message = isset( $properties[’error_message’] ) ? $properties[’error_message’] : __( ‘You are already registered!’, ‘mailster-cf7′ ); $result->invalidate( $tags[ $tag_keys[ $properties[’fields’][’email’] ] ], $error_message ); return $result; } //new add+ $add_message= $this->add_subscriber(null); if(!empty($add_message)) { $result->invalidate( $tags[ $tag_keys[ $properties[’fields’][’email’] ] ], $add_message ); return $result; }// add_action( ‘wpcf7_mail_sent’, array( $this, ‘add_subscriber’ ) ); return $result; } /** * * * @param unknown $contact_form */ public function add_subscriber( $contact_form ) { $form = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current(); $properties = $form->get_properties(); $properties = $properties[’mailster’]; $list_ids = isset( $properties[’lists’] ) ? (array) $properties[’lists’] : null; $overwrite = 1 == $properties[’overwrite’]; $merge = 3 == $properties[’overwrite’]; // add subscriber $subscriber_id = mailster( ‘subscribers’ )->add( $this->userdata, $overwrite || $merge, $merge ); // no error if ( ! is_wp_error( $subscriber_id ) && $list_ids ) { mailster( ‘subscribers’ )->assign_lists( $subscriber_id, $list_ids ); return »; }else { return $subscriber_id->get_error_message(); } }
Search around for good a good contact form for mailster an found this plugin.Works perfect.
Does exactly what it’s supposed to do. Smooth integration with CF7, great support.
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«Mailster Contact Form 7» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
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Журнал изменений
- fix for WordPress 6.1
- fixed: support for CF7 5.5.3
- added: options to store GDPR timestamp
- fixed: removed deprecated method
- new option: ‘Always overwrite and keep existing data’ to merge data on existing subscribers.
- updated file structure
- added translatable strings
- improved: Subscribers are added only if the form has been submitted successful
- added: new option to disable error message for existing subscribers
- added: new option to define error message.
- fixed: PHP Warning
- initial release