Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

MWuse — Adobe Muse Converter


Создавай просто свою тему для WordPress с помощью Adobe Muse. Используй лучшее у обоих.


  • Quick conversion
  • Use multiple Adobe Muse themes
  • Name your pages with the standard WordPress hierarchy
  • Use shortcode direct in Adobe Muse
  • Grid list (posts, custom posts, categories, tags, taxonomies)
  • Shortcodes
  • and more widgets
  • WordPress Multisite ready

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  1. Установить плагин
  2. Upload your Adobe Muse theme (export as HTML) in the «mtw-themes» folder. Create one folder for each Muse theme. Muse to WordPress support multiple Muse themes.
    • Via FTP: find the mtw-themes (root of the WordPress website)
    • Via wp-admin: MWuse -> Upload Website (follow instruction in the menu)

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Инструкция по установке
  1. Установить плагин
  2. Upload your Adobe Muse theme (export as HTML) in the «mtw-themes» folder. Create one folder for each Muse theme. Muse to WordPress support multiple Muse themes.
    • Via FTP: find the mtw-themes (root of the WordPress website)
    • Via wp-admin: MWuse -> Upload Website (follow instruction in the menu)


I have done 7 pages huge website on muse with ton of widgets and effects and a lote of things I thought I will got full missing things when I upload it, then you know what noo any single mistake. this plug in like made by big Company or something. but this code best ever….
Really the best tool for newcomers and first time webdesign for wordpress, the customer service is really there to assist you in any possible ways also providing with possible ways to do it, awesome to learn while you publish your first site!
Best solution I’ve found to add CMS to Adobe Muse. Besides a great tool and a brilliant idea, Mwuse is mind blowing awesome just as their team, great development and awesome features. The support is sensational, awesome team behind it! Highly recommend to use it 🙂
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Журнал изменений

1.2.18 (progress)
— Woocommerce — slide scripts not find
— Issue with Author info
— Include mtw outsourcing scripts in mwuse
— hero-files.php mime_content_type deprecated «php 7.0» replaced by finfo

— ZIP Upload no need sub-folder for one project
— shortcode no-conflict [mw_noconflict] [your_shortcode] [/mw_noconflict]
— logic redirections (functions/logic-template-redirect.php)
— new function added: mw_get_page_by_template(‘your-project/your-file.html’)
— resolve issue with grid taxonomy before post
— resolve issue with iframe

— WooCommerce: add to cart url encode error with GET methode
— Bug with only one Breakpoint
— Using Grid list Sequence on homepage (issue)

— Featured image right size issue
* if image is lower size than the zone,
* if a size without crop info exist
— Multisite support improvement
— Item issue, code error with a BP (Wagner issue)
— Double «GET method» (?) on external link
— scripts/images/assets/ if 404 search and display or redirect
— Slideshow no conflict
* conflict with wp attached images, grid, … (because no option and default integration)
* bug new option
* works with thumbs
— image aligment in wp content
— mtw_content shortcode issue with BP
— mtw_permalink shortcode ID, name, title args added (name and title require post_type arg)
— rare issue: double break in museconfig.js