Welcome to Sports Booking WP plugin
This plugin is an useful system to manage all your sport booking, search and filter them in a very simple way.
In the [nd_spt_booking_form] shortcode, Stripe is used as the booking method. In the last step the user should enter his data through an iframe provided by Stripe. Once the operation has been completed, the user will be redirect to the thank you page. Below some useful links :
Official site
Information for developers
Terms and conditions
Below some live preview demos
Click on the links below for view all plugin features in action:
- Install and activate the «ND sport» plugin.
- Create a page and add in it the shortcode [nd_spt_booking_form] for display the sport booking steps.
- By default the system does not allow the booking of any sport since you will have to add at least one sport and create the time-slots through the plugin settings.
- Create your sport : sports -> Add New.
- Set the required settings : ND sport -> Plugin Settings -> Max players number option, remember to save the option using the «Save Changes» at the bottom of the panel. ( Saving in this step is essential since if you don’t do it you won’t be able to create the time slots in the next step )
- Create your time slots : ND sport -> Add Timing -> Check all checkboxes and set the hours for start to receive bookings, use always the «Save Changes» button for save all options.
- The steps above are mandatory for start to use the booking form. Remember that you have more settings available for fit the plugin to your needs.
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«Sports Booking» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
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Журнал изменений
- Improved plugin security ( added realpath(), Data Sanitization/Escaping variables )
- Elementor compatibility 3.6
- Initial version