Этот плагин был закрыт с 17.10.2024, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт навсегда. Причина: Запрос автора.
Этот плагин предоставляет 20 блоков.
- Membership Checkout Form Dynamic form that allows users to complete free registration or paid checkout for the selected membership level.
- Single Membership Level Displays a single membership level's information and pricing with individual level components.
- PMPro Page: Account Profile Edit Dynamic form that allows the current logged in member to edit their default user profile information and any custom user profile fields.
- PMPro Page: Orders Dynamic page section that displays a list of all orders (purchase history) for the active member. Each order can be selected and viewed in full detail.
- PMPro Page: Billing Dynamic page section to display the member's billing information. Members can update their subscription payment method from this form.
- PMPro Page: Account Profile Dynamic page section that displays the member's profile as read-only information with a link to edit fields or change their password.
- Login Form Dynamic form that allows users to log in or recover a lost password. Logged in users can see a welcome message with the selected custom menu.
- PMPro Page: Account Links Dynamic page section that displays custom links available for the active member only. This block is only visible if other Add Ons or custom code have added links.
- PMPro Page: Account Memberships Dynamic page section to display the member's active membership information with links to view all membership options, update billing information, and change or cancel membership.
- PMPro Page: Account (Full) Dynamic page section to display the selected sections of the Membership Account page including Memberships, Profile, Orders, and Member Links. These sections can also be added via separate blocks.
- PMPro Page: Account Orders Dynamic page section that displays a list of the last 5 membership orders for the active member.
- Content Visibility Block Nest blocks within this wrapper to show or hide content by membership level, login status, or for non-members.
- Membership Levels and Pricing Table Dynamic page section that displays a list of membership levels and pricing, linked to membership checkout. To reorder the display, navigate to Memberships > Settings > Levels.
- Membership Checkout Button Inserts a button that links directly to membership checkout for the selected level.
- PMPro Page: Cancel Dynamic page section where members can cancel their membership and active subscription if applicable.
- PMPro Page: Confirmation Dynamic page section that displays a confirmation message and purchase information for the active member immediately after membership registration and checkout.
- Level Name The name of this membership level.
- Level Price The price text for this membership level.
- Level Expiration The expiration text for this membership level.
- Level Description The description for this membership level.
Участники и разработчики
«Paid Memberships Pro — Content Restriction, User Registration, & Paid Subscriptions» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Paid Memberships Pro — Content Restriction, User Registration, & Paid Subscriptions» переведён на 20 языков. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
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