Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Portfolio for Elementor


This plugin extend Elementor by adding the Portfolio & Filterable Image Gallery addons/widgets for free!

It allows you to create a creative portfolio to show your projects using the Drag&Drop interface of Elementor.

It also adds a filterable image gallery with several options to customize.

You can also enable the filterable portfolio and gallery option, separating your projects into categories that can be filtered.

It’s also useful to create amazing image galleries on your website.

Completely Customizable

Each element comes with a bunch of options to customize your website in every possible way. You can achieve nearly any design with your imagination.


  1. Filterable Portfolio Addon/Widget for Elementor
  2. You can display only a Custom Portfolio Category if you want
  3. Compatible with Elementor (Portfolio Widget)
  4. 2,3,4 columns
  5. Fully responsive


  • Grid Portfolio.
  • Masonry Portfolio.
  • Plugin Backend.
  • 2 Column Masonry Style.
  • 2 Column Grid Style.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

This is customizable?

Of course, You can customize every element.

Does Portfolio for Elementor work with all the themes?

Portfolio for Elementor works all the themes that respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex. It is recommended to use Elementor’s Hello Theme, a lightweight blank canvas,
to enjoy full flexibility when using Elementor, and optimize your experience.

How do I install This Plugin ?

To install the free version of Elementor, follow the steps below:
From your WordPress dashboard -> Go to Plugins -> Click on ‘Add new’-> In the Search field, enter Portfolio for Elementor Elementor and choose Portfolio for Elementor.
Press install -> After installation, click Activate.

Is it necessary to install and activate Elementor Page builder plugin?

Yes, of course. Elementor page builder and must be activated on your platform.

Does is work with other page builder?

NO. It’s only compatiable for Elementor.

Do I need to know how to code?

No! Elementor provides you with all the widgets and features that you need to build a proffesional website without using code.


 how to make Portfolios for FREE in Elementor. It worked perfectly based on. At first, I was nervous about using this plugin because. But thankfully, it was updated recently. Keep up the good work and hoping for its continued development.
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