Query Monitor — The developer tools panel for WordPress


Query Monitor — это панель инструментов разработчика для WordPress. Она позволяет отлаживать запросы к базе данных, ошибки PHP, хуки и действия, модульный редактор блоков, занесенные в очередь скрипты и таблицы стилей, вызовы HTTP API и многое другое.

Он включает некоторые расширенные возможности, такие как отладка вызовов Ajax, вызовов REST API, проверка возможностей пользователя, а также полная поддержка блочных тем и полное редактирование сайта. В нем есть возможность уменьшить большую часть результатов по плагинам или темам, что позволяет быстро определить плохо работающие плагины, тему или функции.

Query Monitor уделяет большое внимание представлению информации в полезной форме, например, показывая совокупные запросы к базе данных, сгруппированные по плагинам, темам или функциям, которые за них отвечают. Он добавляет меню панели инструментов администратора, показывающее обзор текущей страницы, с полной отладочной информацией, отображаемой в панелях после выбора пункта меню.

Query Monitor supports versions of WordPress up to three years old, and PHP version 7.4 or higher.

Для дополнительной информации посетите сайт Query Monitor.

Вот обзор того, что показано для каждой загрузки страницы:

  • Database queries, including notifications for slow, duplicate, or erroneous queries. Allows filtering by query type (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc), responsible component (plugin, theme, WordPress core), and calling function, and provides separate aggregate views for each.
  • The template filename, the complete template hierarchy, and names of all template parts that were loaded or not loaded (for block themes and classic themes).
  • PHP errors presented nicely along with their responsible component and call stack, and a visible warning in the admin toolbar.
  • Usage of «Doing it Wrong» or «Deprecated» functionality in the code on your site.
  • Blocks and associated properties within post content and within full site editing (FSE).
  • Matched rewrite rules, associated query strings, and query vars.
  • Enqueued scripts and stylesheets, along with their dependencies, dependents, and alerts for broken dependencies.
  • Языковые настройки и загруженные файлы перевода (файлы MO и файлы JSON) для каждого текстового домена.
  • HTTP API requests, with response code, responsible component, and time taken, with alerts for failed or erroneous requests.
  • Проверки возможностей пользователя, а также результат и любые параметры, переданные для проверки возможностей.
  • Environment information, including detailed information about PHP, the database, WordPress, and the web server.
  • The values of all WordPress conditional functions such as is_single(), is_home(), etc.
  • Transients that were updated.
  • Usage of switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog() on Multisite installations.

В дополнение:

  • Каждый раз, когда происходит перенаправление, Query Monitor добавляет HTTP-заголовок, содержащий стек вызовов, поэтому вы можете использовать ваш любимый HTTP-инспектор или инструменты разработчика браузера для отслеживания того, что вызвало перенаправление.
  • The response from any jQuery-initiated Ajax request on the page will contain various debugging information in its headers. PHP errors also get output to the browser’s developer console.
  • The response from an authenticated WordPress REST API request will contain an overview of performance information and PHP errors in its headers, as long as the authenticated user has permission to view Query Monitor’s output. An an enveloped REST API request will include even more debugging information in the qm property of the response.

By default, Query Monitor’s output is only shown to Administrators on single-site installations, and Super Admins on Multisite installations.

In addition to this, you can set an authentication cookie which allows you to view Query Monitor output when you’re not logged in (or if you’re logged in as a non-Administrator). See the Settings panel for details.


Я поддерживаю несколько других плагинов для разработчиков. Ознакомьтесь с ними:

  • User Switching обеспечивает мгновенное переключение между учётными записями пользователей в WordPress.
  • WP Crontrol lets you view and control what’s happening in the WP-Cron system

Заявление о конфиденциальности

Query Monitor is private by default and always will be. It does not persistently store any of the data that it collects. It does not send data to any third party, nor does it include any third party resources. Query Monitor’s full privacy statement can be found here.

Заявление о доступности

Query Monitor aims to be fully accessible to all of its users. Query Monitor’s full accessibility statement can be found here.


  • Admin Toolbar Menu
  • Aggregate Database Queries by Component
  • Capability Checks
  • Database Queries
  • Hooks and Actions
  • HTTP API Requests
  • Aggregate Database Queries by Calling Function

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Does this plugin work with PHP 8?

Да, он активно тестируется и работает вплоть до версии PHP 8.2.

Who can see Query Monitor’s output?

By default, Query Monitor’s output is only shown to Administrators on single-site installations, and Super Admins on Multisite installations.

In addition to this, you can set an authentication cookie which allows you to view Query Monitor output when you’re not logged in, or when you’re logged in as a user who cannot usually see Query Monitor’s output. See the Settings panel for details.

Does Query Monitor itself impact the page generation time or memory usage?

Short answer: Yes, but only a little.

Long answer: Query Monitor has a small impact on page generation time because it hooks into a few places in WordPress in the same way that other plugins do. The impact is negligible.

On pages that have an especially high number of database queries (in the hundreds), Query Monitor currently uses more memory than I would like it to. This is due to the amount of data that is captured in the stack trace for each query. I have been and will be working to continually reduce this.

Can I prevent Query Monitor from collecting data during long-running requests?

Yes, you can call do_action( 'qm/cease' ) to instruct Query Monitor to cease operating for the remainder of the page generation. It will detach itself from further data collection, discard any data it’s collected so far, and skip the output of its information.

Это полезно для длительных операций, которые выполняют очень большое количество запросов к базе данных, потребляют много памяти или иным образом не представляют интереса, например, для Query Monitor:

  • Backing up or restoring your site
  • Importing or exporting a large amount of data
  • Running security scans

Are there any add-on plugins for Query Monitor?

A list of add-on plugins for Query Monitor can be found here.

In addition, Query Monitor transparently supports add-ons for the Debug Bar plugin. If you have any Debug Bar add-ons installed, deactivate Debug Bar and the add-ons will show up in Query Monitor’s menu.

Где я могу предложить новую функцию или сообщить об ошибке?

Please use the issue tracker on Query Monitor’s GitHub repo as it’s easier to keep track of issues there, rather than on the wordpress.org support forums.

Is Query Monitor available on Altis?

Да, Altis Developer Tools построены на базе Query Monitor.

Is Query Monitor available on WordPress VIP?

да, но пользователю необходимо предоставить возможность view_query_monitor, чтобы увидеть Монитор запросов, даже если он является администратором. См. документацию WordPress VIP для получения более подробной информации.

I’m using multiple instances of `wpdb`. How do I get my additional instances to show up in Query Monitor?

This feature was removed in version 3.12 as it was rarely used and considerably increased the maintenance burden of Query Monitor itself. Feel free to continue using version 3.11 if you need to make use of this feature.

Can I click on stack traces to open the file in my editor?

Да. Вы можете включить эту функцию в панели настройки.

How can I report a security bug?

You can report security bugs through the official Query Monitor Vulnerability Disclosure Program on Patchstack. The Patchstack team helps validate, triage, and handle any security vulnerabilities.

Do you accept donations?

Я принимаю спонсорскую помощь через программу GitHub Sponsors. Если вы работаете в агентстве, которое разрабатывает WordPress, попросите свою компанию оказать спонсорскую помощь, чтобы инвестировать в ее цепочку развития. Инструменты, которые я поддерживаю, вероятно, сэкономят время и деньги вашей компании, и спонсорство GitHub теперь может осуществляться на уровне организации.

In addition, if you like the plugin then I’d love for you to leave a review. Tell all your friends about it too!


I had a feeling something was clogging up my dashboard loading time and this plugin immediately identified the custom script and on which line the bug occured. Great stuff!
quelle perte de temps d’avoir tâtonné si longtemps avant d’installer ce plugin… un must-have
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Журнал изменений

3.16.4 (25 July 2024)

  • Confirms support for WordPress 6.6.

3.16.3 (22 May 2024)

  • Prevents an infinite loop when logging doing it wrong calls and deprecated calls.
  • Removes a global from query-monitor.php

3.16.2 (22 May 2024)

  • Fixes another issue with the PHP autoloader in 3.16.0 and 3.16.1 that was crashing some sites

3.16.1 (22 May 2024)

  • Fixes an issue with the PHP autoloader in 3.16.0 that was crashing some sites

3.16.0 (22 April 2024)

  • Adds full support for debugging new features in WordPress 6.5: JavaScript modules and PHP translation files

3.15.0 (10 November 2023)

3.14.1 (21 October 2023)

  • Improves compatibility with WordPress Playground

3.14.0 (18 October 2023)

  • Corrects the port number handling when displaying URLs for scripts and styles
  • Improves the db.php handling when activating and deactivating Query Monitor on a single site within a Multisite network, and when DISALLOW_FILE_MODS is in use
  • Improves check for Debug Bar existence
  • Identifies drop-in plugins as a specific component instead of «other»
  • Simplifies some of the data structure used when logging queries
  • Specifies that Query Monitor supports WordPress versions up to three years old

3.13.1 (15 July 2023)

  • Avoids a fatal error if a deprecated warning is triggered early on during the bootstrap process
  • Avoids a PHP warning that can be triggered during certain HTTP API requests when Curl is not in use
  • Skips loading QM during the plugin update process

3.13.0 (9 July 2023)

  • Adds a dedicated panel for «Doing it Wrong» and deprecated functionality usage
  • Allows data in the HTTP API requests panel to be filtered by host name
  • Adds a «Type» column wherever a list of hooks can show both actions and filters
  • Improves various aspects of the «Editor» setting
  • Increases the minimum supported version of PHP to 7.4
  • Many thanks to @crstauf for the majority of the new features in this release

3.12.3 (17 May 2023)

  • Improves theme template part data collection when the Gutenberg plugin is in use with a block theme
  • Skips attempting to resolve a block template if the theme doesn’t support block templates
  • Removes the fallback to $EZSQL_ERROR for database query errors as it’s not possible to determine if the error should be ignored

3.12.2 (27 April 2023)

  • Adds the total count to the table footer of the PHP Errors panel
  • Improves the destination URL for links that point to the site editor
  • Implements some minor visual improvements
  • Removes unreliable information about the transport for HTTP API requests
  • Removes Query Monitor output from the interim login modal

3.12.1 (24 March 2023)

  • Corrects some inter-panel links that point to the Queries panel and sub-panels
  • Switches to sessionStorage for the selected table column filters so they don’t persist across tabs or sessions
  • Removes the «Debug Bar:» prefix on the menus for panels inherited from the Debug Bar plugin

3.12.0 (16 March 2023)

  • Clarifies and improves information in the Template panel when a block theme or full site editing (FSE) is in use
  • Avoids PHP warnings if a third party plugin makes unexpected changes to language file paths
  • Implements some minor performance improvements
  • Removes misleading information about WordPress memory limits
  • Removes support for multiple instances of wpdb (see the FAQ for more information)

3.11.2 (23 February 2023)

  • Implements various accessibility improvements
  • Fixes an issue where not all admin area footer scripts were shown in the Scripts panel
  • Improves output when the SQLite feature in the Performance Labs plugin is in use
  • Removes QM output altogether from the Customizer
  • Ensures wp-content/db.php from another plugin doesn’t get removed when deactivating QM

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the releases page on GitHub.