Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Remove @User Autocomplete from Block Editor


Removes the @user autocomplete feature from the Gutenberg block editor.

By default on Gutenberg, when you type @, the block editor performs a search through the users of your WordPress install to suggest you to «@-mention» them (see animated screenshot below for a demo of the default feature).

It can be annoying when you are writing email addresses in the editor. This plugin removes the feature from the editor.


  • This plugin removes the default Gutenberg user autocomplete feature.


  1. Install the plugin and activate it in your WordPress Admin.
  2. That’s all! No settings needed.


This was exactly what is was looking for. I think more people are going to be installing this plugin shortly. And if the Wordpress dev team happens to read this. Why would you come up with this autocomplete nonsense? I don’t get it. Why would I be constantly be adding an email address to text blocks that belong to a site user? Emails are not that long. There is no reason for the autocomplete feature. Anyway, thank you to Jb for making this.
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  • Plugin initial release. Works fine 🙂