The Simple SMTP Mailer plugin allows you to easily configure WordPress to use SMTP instead of the PHP mail function.
This should only really be used in a development environment.
Simple SMTP Mailer Settings
- Host: The mail server (Defaults to smtp.gmail.com)
- Username: The username used for connecting to the SMTP server
- Password: The password used for connecting to the SMTP server
- Port: The port to use when sending an email (587, 465 or 25. Defaults to 587)
- Security: The type of encryption security to use when sending an email (TLS or SSL. Defaults to TLS)
- Debug: Enable debugging
All settings can be overridden by assigning array values to the SSMTP_MAILER constant in wp-config.php. This is useful for automating local deployment.
'host' => emailhost.com,
'username' => username,
'password' => password,
'port' => 25,
'security' => 'SSL'
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Can I send email via SMTP using this plugin?
Does this plugin work with Gmail SMTP?
Нет отзывов об этом плагине.
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Журнал изменений
- Added the ability to manually override plugin options by defining the ‘SSMTP_MAILER’ constant
- Changed PHP requirement to 8.0
- The SMTP password is now saved as a salted hash
- Errors now get added to PHP error log when debug option is enabled
- Some minor code refactoring
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
- Added a debug function
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1
- Replaced all PHP short Tags
- text-domain fix
- Changed permissions from administrator to manage_options
- Added options page link on plugins page
- Updated the description
- Initial commit