

Этот плагин был закрыт с 10.01.2019, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт навсегда. Причина: Запрос автора.


I read the other reviews where they gave one star. I was very hesitated to install the plugin. Normally, if a plugin dosn’t have 4 stars I don’t even try it. But since the plugin was created by WooThemes/WooCommerce I trust them and decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did. It worked perfect and an awesome feature to my site. Yes, there was a styling issue. But just a very basic CSS addition fixed it for my site. margin-right: 5px; Boom, that fixed it. And, yes the reviewer that says if you have long titles doesn’t display correctly. One, for SEO reasons you shouldn’t be using LONG titles. But, if you decide to have long titles than again….easy fix. Just some basic CSS.
With long titles of the product, the button overlaps the text on medium to smaller screens — which doesn’t look very professional. Therefore only 1 star instead of 5.
03.09.2016 1 ответ
This plugin was working perfectly until I updated it. Now I can’t even access my website when I activate it, there’s just a blank page saying the following: »Fatal error: Call to undefined function storefront_get_content_background_color() in /the address of the website and plugin/ on line 216». It’s a good plugin and I need it. I’ll change my rating to 5 stars once it’s fixed.
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