Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Stylish Links


Ever been frustrated at the lack of flexibility for styling your hyperlinks? Ever wondered how sites like Pitchfork and Medium are able to dynamically style their links? If so, Stylish Links is for you! With the click of a button, automatically apply beautiful CSS3 styles to all of the existing links within your post and page content without conflicting with your current theme styles.

Stylish Links gives you full control over your link text, underline, and background colors, and most importantly, independent control over all of the hover effects. You can even control the underline thickness and offset from the bottom of the link text.

Works in all modern browsers and runs purely from CSS requiring no javascript, so your site remains virtually untouched from a performance perspective. Take a look at the demo here: http://www.industrialthemes.com/plugins/


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/stylish-links directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Stylish Links screen to configure the plugin

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Where do the link styles show up on my site?

All links within all of your existing posts are styled, and you can also turn on page content styling as well.

Will this make my site slower?

No. It’s based purely on CSS3 and requires no javascript, so there is no performance impact.

What browsers will this work on?

All major browsers, including IE11 and Microsoft Edge.

Will this affect all the links on my site?

No, it will take control of only the links within your post and/or page content containers and will not affect menus or other template specific elements. And you can selectively turn anything off via the plugin options.

How does it work?

Uses WordPress hooks and filters to find links and apply a css class which is controlled via the plugin’s stylesheet.


Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Need I say more? WordPress 6.4.3 running Raft theme.
The plugin doesn’t work correctly with the latest WP update. It creates weird shadowing for all links, including buttons.
Perfect little lightweight plugin for adding link styling to posts and/or pages. Saved me hours of time. I’d give this 10 starts if I could. Well done guys
*5 stars for the free version. exactly what i want to highlight links in an «all black» theme which includes URLs in black, this makes the links stand out what is what. Very good. BUT………………… You might want to work on your contactability. The basic version is very good. There are parts locked with words «pro version» but 1. this text is without hyperlink, there is no link where to find any more information on the pro version. I cannot make enquiry on your website, your contact form needs an envato receipt to send a message. Your profile is @ but how do i contact >? Its been a frustrating exercise, one that would put off a lot of people.
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Журнал изменений


  • Fixed issue with HTML entity encoding within page/post content


  • Fixed issue with character encoding within post/page content


  • Updated plugin description
  • Updated plugin URI


  • Initial release