Метка плагина: blocks
Ultimate Blocks — Плагин блоков WordPress
(662 общий рейтинг)Create Better Content With The Block Editor. Custom Blocks for Bloggers and Content Marketers.
Qi Blocks
(6 общий рейтинг)Qi Blocks is the largest collection of Gutenberg blocks developed by Qode Interactive.
Kubio AI Page Builder
(37 общий рейтинг)Using the power of AI, Kubio gives you a head start by generating a first draft of your website, which you can further customize to your liking.
Gutentor — Gutenberg Blocks — Page Builder for Gutenberg Editor
(88 общий рейтинг)Advanced yet easy, Gutenberg editor page builder blocks. Create a masterpiece, pixel perfect website using modern WordPress Gutenberg blocks.
Gutenberg Block Editor Toolkit – EditorsKit
(168 общий рейтинг)EditorsKit provides a set of page building tools to supercharge the WordPress Gutenberg block editor.
Gutenverse – Ultimate Block Addons and Page Builder for Site Editor
(162 общий рейтинг)The best Gutenberg blocks editor, block addons, page builder and website builder for Full Site Editing FSE with ready to import template library.
Gutenberg Blocks — PublishPress Blocks Gutenberg Editor Plugin
(193 общий рейтинг)PublishPress Blocks include accordions, galleries, sliders, tabs, maps and more. Plus it has the best content display block in WordPress.
Snow Monkey Editor
(5 общий рейтинг)The Snow Monkey Editor is a plugin that extends the block editor.
JetStyleManager for Gutenberg
(10 общий рейтинг)A plugin that extends Gutenberg functionality. Integrated to a Gutenberg plugin, JetStyleManager allows adding styles to it.
Custom Blocks Constructor — Lazy Blocks
(75 общий рейтинг)Легко создавайте пользовательские блоки Gutenberg и пользовательские мета-поля без сложного кодирования.
Reusable Blocks Extended
(37 общий рейтинг)Расширьте функционал многоразовых блоков Gutenberg с помощью полноценной панели администратора, виджетов, шорткодов и функций PHP.
Snow Monkey Forms
(5 общий рейтинг)The Snow Monkey Forms is a mail form plugin for the block editor.
Qubely — расширенные блоки Gutenberg
(64 общий рейтинг)Готовые блоки и разделы Gutenberg с широкими возможностями настройки. Улучшите редактор Gutenberg с помощью простого пользовательского интерфейса и функциональных блоков.
Bootstrap Blocks
(27 общий рейтинг)Bootstrap Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress. This plugin adds Bootstrap components and layout options as Gutenberg blocks.
Sinatra Core
(1 общий рейтинг)Sinatra Core is an optional companion plugin for Sinatra theme. It adds additional features such as widgets, blocks and a collection of pre-built webs …
WP Blog Post Layouts
(74 общий рейтинг)Versatile plugin specially designed to create beautiful posts layouts. Fully compatible with Gutenberg and Elementor. Comes with advanced features suc …
Lightweight Accordion
(51 общий рейтинг)Simple accordion for adding collapse elements to pages without affecting page load time. Includes Gutenberg block and shortcode for classic editor.