Метка плагина: CCPA
Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
(2 994 общий рейтинг)Уведомление о cookie позволяет вам элегантно информировать пользователей о том, что на вашем сайте используются файлы cookie, и помогает вам соблюдать GDPR, CCPA и другие законы о конфиденциальности данных.
GDPR Cookie Compliance — Cookie Banner, Cookie Consent, Cookie Notice — CCPA, DSGVO, RGPD
(195 общий рейтинг)Cookie notice banner for GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, LGPD, RGPD, PECR, AAP, PIPEDA, VCDPA, CPRA, ICO, GPDP, DSGVO, BfDl, CNIL, AEPD, PDPB, DPA, PDPA, TTDSG, POP …
iubenda | All-in-one Compliance for GDPR / CCPA Cookie Consent + more
(357 общий рейтинг)The solution for GDPR compliance + more. Get your cookie banner, privacy policy, terms and conditions and handle cookie consent in just one plugin.
Termly — GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner
(203 общий рейтинг)Our easy to use cookie consent plugin can assist in your GDPR, CCPA, and ePrivacy Directive compliance efforts.
WP AutoTerms: Политика конфиденциальности Generator (GDPR & CCPA), Условия использования Generator, Cookie Notice Banner
(241 общий рейтинг)GDPR & CCPA Политика конфиденциальности Generator, Условия использования Generator, Disclaimers for Affiliate links. Compliance Kits to help you get compliant …
Privacy Policy Generator, Terms & Conditions Generator WordPress Plugin : WP Legal Pages
(92 общий рейтинг)Easiest way to generate legal pages (Privacy, Terms, Disclaimers & more) on your website. Ideal for blogs, ecommerce and marketing websites.
Cookies and Content Security Policy
(60 общий рейтинг)Be fully GDPR and CCPA compliant through Content Security Policy. Blocks cookies and unwanted external content.
Cookie Consent, Consent Log, Cookie Scanner, Script Blocker (for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy) : WP Cookie Consent
(44 общий рейтинг)The only WordPress plugin that helps you comply with the EU GDPR's cookie consent and CCPA's "Do Not Sell" Opt-Out regulations.
AdOpt | The most beautiful Cookie Banner for GDPR, LGPD, CCPA, PIPEDA and POPIA.
(8 общий рейтинг)AdOpt’s Cookie Banner plugin is part of a Consent Management Platform that will help you in making all your websites LGPD, CCPA, GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO), P …
Pressidium Cookie Consent
(21 общий рейтинг)Lightweight, user-friendly and customizable cookie consent banner to help you comply with the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations.
Cookie Notice & Consent Banner for GDPR & CCPA Compliance
(13 общий рейтинг)Установите Cookie Notice or Consent Banner в соответствии с требованиями законодательства о конфиденциальности (GDPR и CCPA).
Lightweight Cookie Notice — Cookie Banner for Cookie Consent
(3 общий рейтинг)This is the free version of Lightweight Cookie Notice, the lightweight and customizable cookie plugin for WordPress.
Quantcast Choice
(5 общий рейтинг)The Quantcast Choice plugin implements the Quantcast Choice TCF v2.0 Consent Tool offering support for GDPR (including Non-IAB vendors), CCPA and ePri …
Simple GDPR Cookie Compliance
(11 общий рейтинг)Simple GDPR Cookie Compliance is a simple plugin that helps to display cookie notice on your WordPress website.
CookieHub — Cookie Consent Banner (DSGVO, CCPA, RGPD and GDPR compliance)
(5 общий рейтинг)Take control effortlessly with CookieHub – GDPR-compliant solution for cookie management and compliance.
Seers | GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent & Compliance
(51 общий рейтинг)Free, simple & most effective way to comply with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, CNIL, PIPEDA & DSGVO cookie consent regulations on WordPress.
(0 общий рейтинг)Embed the Usercentrics Consent Management Platform on your website. Just enter your personal Settings ID and you're good to go.
CCPA Opt-Out by CookiePro
(8 общий рейтинг)Customize and add a Do Not Sell button to your website to provide a transparent mechanism for website visitors to opt out of the sale of their persona …
Cookie Consent for GDPR/CCPA | Securiti
(14 общий рейтинг)Award-winning Cookie Consent plugin that allows you to generate Cookie Banner, Notice & Policy for your website. Supports GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA and e …
GDPR Cache Scripts & Styles
(1 общий рейтинг)Greatly enhances privacy of your website by embedding external scripts and styles.