Метка плагина: hotlink
Cache Images
(6 общий рейтинг)Goes through your posts and gives you the option to cache all hotlinked images from a domain locally in your upload folder
Hotlink File Prevention
(6 общий рейтинг)Simple hotlink protection for individual files in the media library.
Hotlink Protection
(5 общий рейтинг)The WordPress Automatic Image Hotlink Protection plugin is a single step script designed to stop others from stealing your images.
Configurable Hotlink Protection
(4 общий рейтинг)Save bandwidth by easily blocking links to video, audio, and other files from unapproved 3rd-party sites. Requires mod_rewrite.
Disable Unsplash CDN
(0 общий рейтинг)Disables images getting served from the Unsplash CDN on the frontend.