Метка плагина: html
Unfiltered MU
(14 общий рейтинг)This WordPress MU/WordPress 3.0 multisite plugin gives blog Administrators and Editors the ability to post whatever HTML they want.
Widget Classes
(1 общий рейтинг)Widget Classes allows you to add classes to your individual widgets to be used by your theme. This is done by appending an additional form field to th …
(5 общий рейтинг)Insert an iframe and display an external website directly in a post using just a shortcode.
Insert Code by Angie Makes
(2 общий рейтинг)Easily insert HTML, Javascript, CSS, into the head and footer areas of your site.
WP Minify Fix
(40 общий рейтинг)[Fixed] This plugin uses the Minify engine to combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve page load time.
WP Custom HTML Page
(3 общий рейтинг)Display full custom HTML on custom permalink address, or put it inside content as a shortcode.
Modernizr for WordPress
(5 общий рейтинг)This plugin adds the Modernizr to your WordPress installation.
HTML WP | A Complete Solution Of Converting Html site to WordPress Site | Html Page Builder
(3 общий рейтинг)HTML WP is a plugin that converts your html project to a wordpress theme in three simple clicks. With our plugin, you don't have to worry about m …
WordPress HTML
(3 общий рейтинг)Add raw HTML to any post/page, without the Wordpress editor breaking it.
Preserved HTML Editor Markup
(42 общий рейтинг)Preserves white space and developer edits in HTML AND WYSIWYG tab. Supports inline scripts/css, JavaScript code blocks and HTML5 content editing
IFrame Widget
(0 общий рейтинг)IFrame widget can display any external HTML page inside an HTML IFrame component.
(5 общий рейтинг)This plugin will allow you to check your pages/posts HTML against the W3C Validator.
Section Widget
(5 общий рейтинг)Display arbitrary information only on selected sections of your site. Also allows you to easily organize them into tabs in your sidebar.
LuckyWP Term Description Rich Text
(4 общий рейтинг)Заменяет текстовое поле описания для категорий, тегов и произвольных таксономий на встроенный в WordPress визуальный редактор (TinyMCE).
Greenshift Smart Code AI
(1 общий рейтинг)Introducing Smart Code AI for WordPress — the revolutionary plugin that unleashes the power of Artificial Intelligence within the Gutenberg editor!
CSV to html
(20 общий рейтинг)Display/edit/synchronize csv-file(s) dynamically into a html-table. No coding required.
Ajar in5 Embed
(5 общий рейтинг)This plugin lets you insert HTML content exported from InDesign using in5 into a Wordpress post or page.
(2 общий рейтинг)HTML代码优化工具(Clear HTML Tags)是一款站长实用的WordPress文章编辑辅助插件,可以帮助站长快速实现删除HTML代码不需要的常见HTML标签及标签属性,常用的代码格式优化。
Dev Content Blocks
(1 общий рейтинг)Content blocks for global content, with revisions. Use HTML without formatting being broken. Not only for devs.