Метка плагина: job portal
Simple Job Board
(127 общий рейтинг)Мощный & надежный плагин для создания доски объявлений вакансий на вашем сайте простым & элегантным способом.
easy.jobs- Best Recruitment Plugin for Job Board Listing, Manager, Career Page for Elementor & Gutenberg
(26 общий рейтинг)Easy solution for job recruitment to attract, manage & hire the right talent faster. Best Job Manager in WordPress with Elementor support.
JobBoardWP — Job Board Listings and Submissions
(10 общий рейтинг)Добавьте на свой сайт современную доску объявлений. Отображайте списки вакансий и позволяйте работодателям отправлять вакансии и управлять ими прямо из интерфейса.
JobBoard Job listing plugin
(7 общий рейтинг)Manage Job listing from front-end & WP admin panel. JobBoard has Employer & Candidates directory & frontend Dashboard. Nice & clean full ajax design.
WpGenius Job Listing
(1 общий рейтинг)Wpgenius Job Listing it’s a wordpress plugin, which allows you to add hundreds of job listings to your job career website in the simplest, fastest and …
Recruitology My Job Board
(0 общий рейтинг)Promote your open jobs right on your WP site for free. Need to advertise your jobs? With one purchase, you'll get visibility on top job sites.
WP Job Portal by Jane
(1 общий рейтинг)The easiest way to manage your organization's job openings, and allow candidates to submit their resumes through your website.
(5 общий рейтинг)The plugin allows you to build an online jobs/resume website, where the applicants will be able to search, update, add/remove or edit their resumes/pr …