Метка плагина: limit login attempts
Limit Attempts by BestWebSoft — WordPress Anti-Bot and Security Plugin for Login and Forms
(37 общий рейтинг)Защищайте свой сайт WordPress от брутфорс-атак. Ограничивайте количество попыток ввода логина.
DoLogin Security
(13 общий рейтинг)2FA login. Passwordless login. SMS passcode as 2nd step verification. GeoLocation (Continent/Country/City)/IP range to limit login attempts.
MelaPress Login Security
(8 общий рейтинг)Implement WordPress login and password security policies with ease to beef up the security and managemet of your users & website.
Jeba Limit Login Attempts
(6 общий рейтинг)This is Jeba Limit Login Attempts wordpress plugin. Automatically lock the system for 30 minutes if a user attempts to login and fails after 3 tries.
Senpai Software — Two-factor authentication (2FA) with a key file
(3 общий рейтинг)Get strong protection against brute force attacks with unique two-factor authentication.
Secure Admin Access
(0 общий рейтинг)Secure Your Website Admin And Dashboard Access & Modify Login Page Design & Login Attempts for login protection
Logy — The New Era Of Login / Registration With Social Login & Limit Login Attempts & Captcha
(2 общий рейтинг)Logy is The Most Secure , Advanced , Elegant & Powerful User Authentication Wordpress Plugin.