Метка плагина: login captcha
Captcha Code
(32 общий рейтинг)GDPR compatible captcha anti-spam protection for login form, comments form, registration form & lost password form. Eliminate spam with captcha.
SK WP Admin Login Captcha
(0 общий рейтинг)Add Google or Mathematical captcha on wordpress login page
Alobaidi Captcha
(11 общий рейтинг)Add captcha to forms easily, comment form, login form, register form, rest password form, easy to use and translate ready, no spam comments!
Frontend Dashboard Captcha
(1 общий рейтинг)Frontend Dashboard Captcha WordPress plugin is a supportive plugin for Frontend Dashboard to protect against spam in Login and Register form.
Lana Security
(1 общий рейтинг)Security plugin to protect website with login captcha, hide version number and security monitor
(1 общий рейтинг)Kcaptcha plugin is the perfect security plugin for your wordpress website forms that protects your website from spam bots.