Метка плагина: restrict content
Restrict Content Pro — Disable Subscription Upgrades
(0 общий рейтинг)Don't allow your users to upgrade their current RCP subscription level.
Simple Restrict Content
(0 общий рейтинг)Restrict the content of all WordPress, just select the roles that can access that post, page, custom post type, product … etc.
Content Permissions for Pages & Posts
(1 общий рейтинг)Control your content permissions with simple shortcode. Restrict content access to members,guests or logged in one's.
Access Guard
(1 общий рейтинг)Access Guard enhances security by managing user permissions and banning IPs to protect sensitive content.
Vandar Payment Gateway for Paid Memberships Pro
(0 общий рейтинг)Vandar payment method for Paid Memberships Pro.