Метка плагина: whatsapp chat
Click to Chat — HoliThemes
(128 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp Chat🔥. Let's make your Web page visitors contact you through 'WhatsApp', 'WhatsApp Business'. Add matching Widget✅
Floating Chat Widget: Contact Chat Icons, Telegram Chat, Line Messenger, WeChat, Email, SMS, Call Button, WhatsApp – Chaty
(1 136 общий рейтинг)🔥 Чат WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Email, Line, WeChat Phone call, SMS, + 20 значков чата, с всплывающим окном чата WhatsApp 💬
Social Chat — Click To Chat App Button
(616 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp Chat🔥 позволяет повысить вовлеченность клиентов! Интегрируйте WhatsApp или WhatsApp Business одним щелчком мыши.
OneClick Chat to Order
(77 общий рейтинг)Make customers easily purchase products through WhatsApp with a single click and increase your sales.
Simple Chat Button
(10 общий рейтинг)Display the beautiful WhatsApp Sticky Button on the WordPress frontend.
Cresta Help Chat
(14 общий рейтинг)Позвольте вашим пользователям и клиентам связываться с вами через WhatsApp одним щелчком мыши.
Chat Widget: Customer Support Button with SMS Call Button, Click to Chat Messenger, Live Chat Support Chat Button — Bit Assist
(50 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp Chat Widget, Click to Chat Simple chat Line Messenger, live chat support chat button, SMS, call button & customer support chat sticky button
Form to Chat App ⚡️
(10 общий рейтинг)Add a beautiful WhatsApp form widget & receive responses from customers on "WhatsApp" and "WhatsApp Business".
Smartarget — на 40% больше продаж и вовлеченности пользователей с помощью 25+ бесплатных приложений для сайта.
(10 общий рейтинг)Whatsapp Chat, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, TikTok, Line, Viber, Instagram, Click to call, Popup, and 30 more apps to increase your sales and user en …
Floating Chat Buttons — Click to Call or Chat, Email
(53 общий рейтинг)Elevate user engagement through Floating Chat Buttons, facilitating immediate connections via chat, email, callback, and additional channels.
Connect Form to Chat Apps with Contact Form 7, WPForms, Gravity Form | Welcome Popup & Multi-agent Live Chat — FormyChat
(3 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp Chat for WordPress 🚀. Connect contact forms to WhatsApp. WhatsApp notifications plugin with notifications for Contact Form 7, WPForms, & …
Social Chat Widget (⚡ by Callbell)
(3 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp free live chat button to connect and communicate with your website visitors
Widget Click to Chat
(5 общий рейтинг)100% FREE Responsive WhatsApp Chat Widget with page targeting and floating button style. Fully Customizable!
Get Chat App
(6 общий рейтинг)Add a WhatsApp chat button to your website in seconds. Allow visitors to simply tap to chat through WhatsApp and other different platforms.
Abandoned Checkout Recovery & Order Notifications for WooCommerce
(7 общий рейтинг)Send WhatsApp notifications for recovering abandoned carts, double confirming CoD orders and for other order & shipment updates! Also, send out yo …
Chat Help — Chat Bubble, Chat Button, WooCommerce Button with Gutenberg, Elementor and Shortcode
(3 общий рейтинг)WhatsApp Chat🔥 Unlimited customer support tool that allows visitors to engage using "WhatsApp" or "WhatsApp Business". WhatsApp button included.
WC Messaging — Integrate WhatsApp Cloud API with WooCommerce
(13 общий рейтинг)Send WhatsApp notifications for WooCommerce orders using official WhatsApp Cloud APIs.
On Page SEO + Social Live Chat (Formerly OPS)
(2 общий рейтинг)Improve your Website Indexing: On-Page SEO is the No #1 Plugin for allowing website crawling by all Search Engines. As we mentioned at the outset, a l …
Bubble Chat
(2 общий рейтинг)Add a bubble chat so your users can contact you directly faster and more efficiently