The stats of theme is displayed by block or shortcode.
- Sibling plugin -> Plugin Stats View.
How it works
Этот плагин предоставляет 2 блока.
- Single Theme The stats of theme is displayed.
- Multi Themes The stats of theme is displayed.
- Upload
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
How to use
Please add new Page. Please write a short code.
Examples for single theme
[tsview slug=»twentytwenty»]
[tsview slug=»twentytwenty» view=»simple» link=»https://test.com/%slug%/»]
- slug Specifies the theme slug.
- view View style. Choose normal(Standard display), card(Card display) or simple(Simple display). Default: view=»normal»
- link You can specify the link destination of the theme name. If not specified, this is the theme homepage link. Can insert a slug tag in the URL of the link. Default: link=null Tag: %slug%
- open Description & Tags style for normal view. Select true(View Description & Tags) or false(Hide Description & Tags). Default: open=false
Examples for multi themes
[taview slug=»twentytwenty,twentynineteen,twentyseventeen»]
[taview slug=»twentytwenty,twentynineteen,twentyseventeen» link=»https://test.com/%slug%/»]
* slug Specify the slugs of multiple themes separated by a comma.
* link You can specify the link destination of the theme name. If not specified, this is the theme homepage link. Can insert a slug tag in the URL of the link. Default: link=null Tag: %slug%
* totalonly Total graph only. Select true(View Total only) or false(View Full). Default: totalonly=false
Can delete and regenerate the cache with the following WP-CLI command. It would be beneficial to register it with the server’s cron.
* wp tsview_refresh
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Нет отзывов об этом плагине.
Участники и разработчики
«Theme Stats View» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Theme Stats View» переведён на 4 языка. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
Перевести «Theme Stats View» на ваш язык.
Заинтересованы в разработке?
Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.
Журнал изменений
[2.04] 2024/11/15
- Fix — Rebuilt javascript.
- Change — Changed the required version of WordPress.
[2.03] 2024/06/10
- Fix — Issues with getting site information for WP-CLI.
[2.02] 2024/06/02
- Fix — Issues with getting site information for WP-CLI.
- Added — The user agent for retrieving site information was set to «Theme Stats View; %url%» for WP-CLI.
- Fix — The number of redirects for site information getting was reduced from 5 to 0 for WP-CLI.
[2.01] 2024/05/27
- Fix — active installs count for multi plugins.
- Fix — Download count for multi plugins.
[2.00] 2024/05/27
- Added — Customization by template files.
[1.13] 2024/05/18
- Added — WP-CLI command to delete and regenerate caches.
- Added — Uninstall script.
[1.12] 2024/05/15
- Fix — Change in the way css are loaded.
- Added — totalonly attribute.
Rebuilt blocks.
Rebuilt blocks.
Supported WordPress 6.4.
PHP 8.0 is now required.
Added escaping process.
Supported WordPress 6.1.
Supported WordPress 6.0.
Rebuilt blocks.
Supported WordPress 5.6.
Added card display.
Fixed problem of mobile display.
Added multi themes view.
Can insert a slug tag in the URL of the link.
The total number of reviews can be displayed.
Initial release.