Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Timber with Jetpack Photon


Make the Timber plugin work with Jetpack’s Photon. Once installed, all TimberImages use Photon as a CDN and for image manipulation (eg. resize).

Photon is an image acceleration and modification service for Jetpack-connected WordPress sites. Converted images are cached automatically and served from the WordPress.com CDN. Photon is part of the Jetpack plugin and completely free.

What does it do?

Timber with Jetpack Photon extends the current TimberImage class to use Photon to serve and manipulate your images:

  • {{post.thumbnail.src}} returns a Photon URL
  • {{post.thumbnail.src|resize(100)}} returns a Photon URL
  • {{post.thumbnail.src|resize(100,200)}} returns a Photon URL

A Photon URL looks like this:


Requires the Timber plugin by Jared Nova and the Jetpack plugin with Photon activated.

Contributors welcome



Look for ‘Timber with Jetpack Photon’ in the plugin repository.


If you are using Timber, as you should, and Jetpack’s awesome Photon feature, you need this to make them both work together. Thanks Jeroen for putting it up together. Cheers man.
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Журнал изменений


  • Fixes a problem with the latest Timber version.


  • Added support for the ‘letterbox’ filter.


  • Added support for the upcoming timber_image_src filter.


  • Proof of concept.