Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

TomS Product Video


TomS Product Video is a simplest video player for woocommerce product. really lightweight plugin, easy to setup.

You need to install Woocommerce plugin and Activated it first.


There is no settings in admin panel, just add new or edit your exists product -> Product data -> Product video
* Video Url Enter your video url directly or choose a video from media library or upload one.
* Video Poster Image Enter your video poster image url directly or choose an image from media library or upload one.
* Video Position There has 4 position you can choose, In Product Description,Under Product Image, After Add to card button, Before Product Tabs. Default is «In Product Description».
* Video Size you can change the video width here, and the height is auto, default width is 100%.
* Video Padding Top/Bottom you can change the video padding top and padding bottom size here, you can choose the unit of the padding size: px,em,rem,% default is 0px.
* Video Padding Left/Right you can change the video padding left and padding right size here, you can choose the unit of the padding size: px,em,rem,% default is 0px.

Translation ready


Reliance upon any non-English translation is at your own risk; We can give no guarantees that translations from the original English are accurate.

We recognise and thank those mentioned at https://toms-caprice.org/translations for code and/or libraries used and/or modified under the terms of their open source licences.


  • TomS Product video setting feild on woocomerce product edit page

  • TomS Product video show in product Description

  • TomS Product video show in product gallery

  • TomS Product video show after the add to card button

  • TomS Product video show before product tabs

  • TomS Product video in the product Description setting

  • TomS Product video under product image setting

  • TomS Product video before product tabs setting

  • TomS Product video video padding units setting

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Where I can find the settings about this plugin?

You need to install Woocommerce plugin and Activated it first.
After Activated woocommerce and our plugin, go to -> Admin Panel -> Products -> All products -> edit exists/add a new product -> Product data -> Product Video.

How to setup?

Just paste the video url(example: https://mysite.com/myvideo.mp4) or click the «choose a video» button to select one from wordpress media library or upload one, then click the Publish/update button.

Can I change display position of the video?

Yes you can! We provided 4 video positions you can choose which «In Product Description», «Under Product Image», «After Add to card button», «Before Product Tabs».
If you need to show the video on other position let me know. support@toms-caprice.org


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«TomS Product Video» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


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Журнал изменений

The Changelog is the best place to learn in more detail about any important changes.

1.0.0 — 09/December/2022

  • Initial release

Older changes are found in the changelog.txt file in the plugin directory.