Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Universal Clocks


The Universal Clocks is your one stop plugin when it comes to displaying clocks of different time zones on your website. It’s a great plugin which lets you chose a clock face from multiple available options. You can add a clock on the sidebars, posts, pages, and widgets. It’s a simple to use plugin, all you have to do is to place a shortcode where you want a clock to be displayed. Two standard types of clocks are available i.e. Digital and Analog clocks. A wide range of customization features for the clocks is also available.


For a single clock.

 [universal-clocks slugs='Insert here slug-of-clock-post'] 

For more than one clock.

 [universal-clocks slugs='slug-of-clock-post, slug-of-other-clock-post'] 

Live Demo

Please click here for Universal Clocks Demo.

Plugin Features

  • Add as many clocks as desired.
  • Shows clocks in various locations with Shortcode.
  • Choose a distinct face with different background colors for each analog clock.
  • Display digital clock with distinctive color, font-family, font-size, and font-weight.
  • Play with the border options for each clock for a stunning look.

Can you contribute?

If you are an awesome contributor for translations or plugin development, please contact us at support@presstigers.com


  • Live Clock in Header — show clock in the header using the shortcode.
  • Analog Clock — show live and running analog clock with beautiful dial and colors.
  • Digital Clock — show live and running digital clock with beautiful fonts and colors.
  • Clocks with Different Time Zones — show clocks with time zones using the easy shortcode.
  • Clocks List — list of all clocks in WP admin.
  • Analog Clock Options — analog clock options in WP admin.
  • Digital Clock Options — digital clock options in WP admin.


Install Universal Clock like you would install any other WordPress plugin.

Dashboard Method:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin and go to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Type “Universal Clock” in the search bar and select this plugin
  3. Click “Install”, and then “Activate Plugin”

Upload Method:

  1. Download plugin.
  2. Upload ‘universal-clocks.zip’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory to your web server.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Where do I start?

After installing the plugin you will see a new menu of name “Clocks” will be created in the dashboard. Tap on “Add New” and create the clock and then paste the [universal-clocks slugs=’Insert here slug-of-clock-post’] shortcode anywhere.

What options does the analog clock has?

There are many options

  • Wide range of appealing faces.
  • Background color for transparent dials.
  • Border options with color and different styles.

What options does the digital clock has?

There are many options

  • Color option for the clock.
  • Font-family option of the clock.
  • Font-size option of the clock.
  • Font-Weight option of the clock.
  • Border options with color and different styles.

How to display the clock in the widget?

Just place this [universal-clocks slugs=’slug-of-clock-post’] shortcode with the clock slug to display the clock in the widget.

How to display more than one clock?

By using this [universal-clocks slugs=’slug-of-clock-post, slug-of-other-clock-post’] shortcode You can display as many clocks as you want


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Участники и разработчики

«Universal Clocks» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


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Журнал изменений


  • Feature — Added settings for Google Fonts API key.
  • Fix — Fixed Google Fonts API key issue and added notices for missing or invalid API key.
  • Fix — Resolved the warnings issues.


  • Feature — Add daylight time saving support to timezones


  • Fix — General settings merged with clock’s settings
  • Fix — Made slug editable


  • First release