Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Vendi Abandoned Plugin Check


This plugin will query the WordPress.org servers in a background task to determine the number of days since the last SVN update.

This plugin has no interface. It only runs a background task daily and then modifies the main plugin table by adding the number of days since the plugin was last updated.

This plugin has not been tested with multi-site yet.

Feel free to contribute to this plugin on GitHub!


  • Example listing of plugins with some ages showing.
  • Example showing old plugins when searching.


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Активируйте плагин через меню «Плагины» в WordPress.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Does this work with multisite?

This has not been tested yet.

Why does this check all plugins instead of just activated plugins?

Old code is old code.

Not all of my plugins are showing a last updated date

This plugin queries the WordPress.org database via the official API. If your plugin is not listed in this database then we won’t report a date on it.

Also, this plugin (as of 3.0.0) runs in batch mode, executing 10 plugins at a time. It attempts to respawn itself but depending on your configuration this may or may not work.

I’ve activated this plugin, now what?

Depending on how many plugins you have installed it might take a couple of minutes to find the last updated date of every installed plugin. Go to your Plugins page and refresh every couple of seconds. If you don’t see notes after 5 minutes there might be an actual problem. If your server is not able to make remote calls this plugin won’t work. Also, if you’ve disabled WordPress’s scheduling system this plugin will not work.


Yes, I am feeling saver when this fine plugin shows the updated plugins in its green letters in the plugin list… :)….speaking of «saver» I hope and wish it would be updated itself and will not be abandoned 😉 — compatibility with the newest WP (now 6.5.2) is pending… 😀 Thanks!
Sorry, but this plugin did not work. I activated it on our site, and also waited for several minutes, but nothing showed up in the plugins section.
The main problem with security with WP is that it does not show if the plugin you use is still maintained. With Veni, you can see if you need to search for an alternative to your favorite plugin very easily. I like the way it shows outdated plugins when you search for a plugin to install.
I’m running this on a Multisite instance on my dev server and it appears to work just fine. The caveat that the criterion of how recently a plugin has been updated is not by itself an assurance of the health and security of that plugin is quite correct, however, when you’re running a large WP site with many plugins, it’s far too easy for an abandoned plugin to fall through the cracks of awareness and attention. To the degree that it does what it says it does, this plugin is a useful tool.
Won’t install. Another Woocommerce junk add-on!!
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Журнал изменений


  • Require PHP 7 or greater
  • WP 6.4 tested


  • WP 6.3 tested


  • Switching to GitHub for development, using actions for deploy to SVN


  • WP 5.9 tested


  • WP 5.7 tested


  • WP 5.2 tested


  • Silenced an error that could happen if the server is unable to resolve DNS to itself
  • Fixed line breaks in readme
  • WP 4.9.5 tested


  • Changed API check to use SVN slug instead of Plugin slug. Thanks Scott Neader and Bob Lindner!
  • Added an option to log actions for debugging at the code-level (beta)
  • WP 4.5 tested


  • WP 4.4 tested


  • On this plugin update, force reset of stored timestamps


  • WP4.3 test, version bump, no code changes


  • Upon activation clean up any remaining previous installs just in case the plugin wasn’t property deactivated


  • Removed mu support for now so that we can use the register_activation_hook


  • Cron jobs are now executed in batches to avoid timing out with lots of plugins
  • Fixed some styling for highlighting abandoned plugins on the plugin search screen in WP 3.9 and less
  • Renamed cron hooks and transients for clarity


  • Added support for highlighting abandoned plugins on the plugin search screen


  • Version bump for internal folder re-org


  • Added icons


  • Первый релиз