Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Warcraft News


Warcraft News provides a widget to display guild or character news from the new battle.net armory. You can add as many widgets as you want, e.g. one guild and three char news widgeds. It also can optionally include the wowhead javascript and replace the blizzard item links with links to wowhead with nice tooltips.

As a next step I plan to add a widget to show your current guild level and the newest guild perk.

This addon (currently) does not show a guild roster. There are other plugins around for that.


  • If you set the cache time to small, the armory might block you and the plugin won’t work anymore. This is a Blizzard restriction I cannot circumvent.
  • My guild uses a Umlaut in its name and I hope the plugin works well with all special chars around. If you have any problems, please send me a link to your guilds armory page and I try to work it out.


  • The news of my guild on the guild blog.
  • News about my character Baraan on a standard wordpress installation.


Nothing fancy, just like any wordpress addon. After the installation make sure the cache directory (wp-content/plugins/warcraft-news/cache) is writable by wordpress.

If you don’t use the automatic installer in the wordpress backend, try the following:

  1. Upload and unzip the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Make sure the cache directory (wp-content/plugins/warcraft-news/cache) is writable by wordpress.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Optionally configure the plugin in the settings tab

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How can I change how the addon looks?

ATM you’ll need to edit your blogs stylesheet to change the look of the widgets. A good starting point might be the css class li.widget_warcraft_news_guild ul, but you might want to be more specific to your theme.
In the future I might include some color themes to chose from.


03.07.2019 1 ответ
I have to say, this plugin is still working on our old WoW guild website, 8 years after the author has apparently abandoned it. It was easily editable and adjustable with custom CSS. That’s some decently clean code, especially considering how much Blizzard loves to change things on their end. It’s also the only plugin, to this day, that pulls in guild news. So many want to recreate rosters and character details. No thanks! All we want is the latest major drops and big achievements. This does that. Cheers to you, Baraan!
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Журнал изменений

  • dumb typo 🙁


  • Changed URL to the items on wowhead for the english lang


  • First public release.