

Этот плагин был закрыт с 04.02.2025, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт временно, ожидается проверка.


Satisfied with this free plugin…..but when i activate this plugin, elementor doesn’t work.i can’t edit any pages via elementor…inspect element show lots off error..please solve this issue
This is a great plugin, well designed, simple, efficient. Prepayments are not always a prerequisite 😉 Thank you.
09.12.2021 1 ответ
I do not understand why you do not allow customers to pay, we do not do everything for turnover, your plug-in actually do not allow customers to pay, how can this be called a reservation, how can be called a pre-order without payment. Strongly request to solve this problem, we do the European and American markets, are asking customers to pay immediately, if you do not pay now, after a while 90% chance he will not pay again.
09.09.2021 1 ответ
There are a few pre-order plugins available but this one does exactly what I need, and nothing more. It’s hard to find good, solid plugins that don’t overreach or contain a ton of bloat for no reason. Nice work!
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