Werk aan de Muur


«Werk aan de Muur» / «Art Heroes» is an online marketplace for print on demand wall art. Artists and photographers can upload their images, set their commissions, and instantly sell custom art prints to customers from across Europe.

With this plugin, you can easily integrate your «Werk aan de Muur» or «Art Heroes» shop into your own WordPress site. After installation, there are two tags you can use to add a list of artworks to a page or post. Note that all shortcodes / tags are available in two variants, wadm_xxx and artheroes_xxx. The older omp_xxx is still supported for backwards compatibility, but you shouln’t use it anymore. Functionally they’re exactly the same, they’re just aliases for eachother.

All artworks

[wadm_artlist] / `[artheroes_artlist]` / `[omp_artlist]` (old alias, don't use this anymore)

This tag prints a paginated list of your artworks. The output can be customized with a few attributes:

  • limit: Number of artworks per page. Default is 12 artworks. Max. 33 artworks per page.
  • columns: Specifiy the number of columns. Defaults to 3 columns.
  • order: Set the artwork order. Defaults to order as in shop. Accepted values are date_asc, date_desc, title_asc, title_desc and rating
  • medium_id: Show prices of a specific medium. Defaults to the preferences in your shop. Accepted values are:
    • 1: Canvas
    • 2: Framed print
    • 3: Poster / photoprint
    • 4: Alu-dibond
    • 5: Xpozer
    • 8: Wood
    • 11: Steel
    • 12: Wallpaper
    • 13: Acoustic prints
    • 15: Alu-dibond Acryl
    • 16: Seamless wallpaper
    • 17: Round
  • size: Show prices of a specific size. Defaults to the preferences in your shop. Accepted values are: small, medium, large and xlarge
  • locale: Set the desired locale. Defaults to your shop language. Accepted values are: nl_NL, de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, fr_FR, fr_CH and en_GB

For example, show 20 artworks in 2 columns, ordered by date (descending, newest first) with this tag:

[wadm_artlist limit=20 columns=2 order=date_desc]

Or a second example, show artworks with small Alu-dibond as default material with this tag:

[wadm_artlist medium_id=4 size=small]

Specific album

[wadm_album albumid=999] / `[artheroes_album albumid=999]`

The album tag allows you to print artworks from a specific album. You can find the album id in your artist dashboard. The output can again be customized with the limit, columns and order attributes. The albumid attribute is required. For example:

[wadm_album albumid=999 limit=20 columns=2]

Single artwork

[wadm_artwork artid=999] / `[artheroes_artwork artid=999]`

Prints a specific artwork. Use the ‘werkcode’ as artid.

Specific locale / website to link to

[wadm_artwork locale=de_AT] / `[wadm_artwork locale=de_AT]`

If your website has locale support you can redirect the visitor directly to the matching «Werk aan de Muur» or «Art Heroes» website. Currently supported locales are nl_NL, de_DE, fr_FR, de_AT, de_CH, fr_CH and en_GB (english/international).


  • Example screenshot of an artlist.


Installation of this plugin is simple:

  1. Extract the plugin into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Активируйте плагин используя меню ‘Плагины’ в WordPress
  3. Open the plugin settings page and enter your User ID and API key
  4. Use one of the short tags (more info @ FAQ) to display a list of artworks

Часто задаваемые вопросы


See the ‘Description’ section for some examples how to use this plugin.

I don’t see my changes at Werk aan de Muur on my WordPress site!

Due to caching there can be a delay of approximately 2 hours before you see any changes like title or price updates appear on your WordPress site. This is intended behaviour, sometimes some patience is required!

The plugin doesn’t work!

There’s a short list of things you can check if the plugin doesn’t work.

  • Is the plugin activated?
  • Did you supply the correct Artist ID and API key?
  • Does the page or post you’re testing contain a shortcode? The simple code [wadm_artlist] should always show a list of artworks.

Still don’t get the expected result? Then there are a few more technical things to check.

  • Your site should be able to connect to the outside world. Check (with your hosting provider) if the ‘fopen wrappers’ are enabled, and that you’re allowed to use ‘file_get_contents()’.
  • The plugin connects on an HTTPS url. Make sure your server has the appropriate (OpenSSL) libraries enabled, and is able to make an SSL connection.

Do you have any questions or requests?

Please contact us at info@werkaandemuur.nl with any questions or suggestions. We’ll continually add them to this FAQ!


Tot nu to werkt alles goed, op de website van werkaandemuur kan je het eea instellen in Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits. Echter kan je met deze plugin de taal niet instellen in Engels, had het wel verwacht aangezien het één van de meest gebruikte talen is. Vandaar ook 2 sterren minder.
Een aanwinst voor elke WADM fotograaf welke zijn website met Wordpress bouwt. makkelijk te integreren, doordat je de codes op je WADM pagina kan genereren en dan in kan voeren in je wordpress site. De uitleg op de WADM site is erg duidelijk, er kan dus weinig mis gaan. Mocht je wel problemen tegenkomen dan worden die snel opgelost door het WADM team!
Door de code in de wordpress pagina te typen, weergave van de shop op mijn site, die ik bereikbaar het gemaakt in het menu. Support via Facebook-groep is snel en doeltreffend.
Hele mooie, goed werkende plugin. Alleen wat codes invoeren en je site is in no time gevuld met je eigen werken. Niet moeilijk als je de meegeleverde instructies opvolgt.
Fijne plugin waarmee ik werken uit mijn Werk aan de Muur-webshop direct op mijn blog kan laten zien, met links naar winkel zelf. Werkt heel simpel: je voegt gewoon een paar stukjes code aan de blogpost toe en je hebt een werk, een album of de hele collectie in beeld.
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Участники и разработчики

«Werk aan de Muur» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


Перевести «Werk aan de Muur» на ваш язык.

Заинтересованы в разработке?

Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.

Журнал изменений


  • Include discounted prices on artlists


  • Include translations for de_DE, nl_NL, fr_FR and en_US


  • SEO optimization


  • Add support for additional locales
  • Make shortcodes available through artheroes_ alias


  • Make shortcodes available through both wadm_ and omp_


  • As frequently requested, it’s now (finally) possible to change the default price and size of displayed items.
  • Language can be influenced by passing language_code parameters. Defaults to shop language, but can be overriden per shortcode.
  • Add parameters to set custom medium_id, size or language_code for the features mentioned above.


  • Bugfix, feed abstract cannot really be abstract because it’s used for conneciton testing


  • Implement more aggressive caching; cache errors too (but retry within 10 minutes)
  • Prefer cURL over file_get_contents


  • Tweaks to ease debugging in case of a problem


  • Allow sorting artlists and albums by rating


  • Fix PHP notice


  • Fix another PHP Warning


  • Made getHtml compatible with abstract method to prevent an PHP Warning
  • Styling tweak to inherit line-height
  • Added code which can replace file_get_contents calls with a CURL call. Commented code in feed-abstract, if you know what you’re doing, you’re welcome to use it.
  • Introduced a ‘tools’ directory with script to debug API connection issues


  • Use HTTPS image url when ssl is enabled


  • Reset some widths to prevent theme styling from overriding wadm plugin styling


  • Display artist name in listing when available


  • Use correct link and title for single artworks


  • Added some plugin configuration and connection tests


  • Don’t print empty navigation containers
  • Basic validation of admin settings input
  • New tag [wadm_artwork] to fetch a single artwork
  • Increase max per page limit to allow for 3×11 artworks


  • Tweaked some styling rules to counter-effect specific theme styling


  • Added support for custom artwork order (by title or date)


  • First release