The plugin offers an easy and convenient way to accept credit cards and all
other payment methods listed below fast and securely. The payment forms will be fully integrated in your checkout
and for credit cards there is no redirection to a payment page needed anymore. The pages are by default mobile optimized but
the look and feel can be changed according the merchants needs.
This plugin will add support for all PostFinance Checkout payments methods and connect the PostFinance Checkout servers to your WooCommerce webshop.
To use this extension, a PostFinance Checkout account is required. Sign up on PostFinance Checkout.
Additional documentation for this plugin is available here.
Support queries can be issued on the PostFinance Checkout support site.
Minimum Requirements
- PHP version 5.6 or greater
- WordPress 4.7 up to 6.5.3
- WooCommerce 3.0.0 up to 8.9.1
- WordPress 4.7 up to 6.5.3
- WooCommerce 3.0.0 up to 8.9.1
Automatic installation
- Install the plugin via Plugins -> New plugin. Search for ‘PostFinance Checkout’.
- Activate the ‘PostFinance Checkout’ plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Set your PostFinance Checkout credentials at WooCommerce -> Settings -> PostFinance Checkout (or use the Settings link in the Plugins overview)
- You’re done, the active payment methods should be visible in the checkout of your webshop.
Manual installation
- Unpack the downloaded package.
- Upload the directory to the
- Activate the ‘PostFinance Checkout’ plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Set your credentials at WooCommerce -> Settings -> PostFinance Checkout (or use the Settings link in the Plugins overview)
- You’re done, the active payment methods should be visible in the checkout of your webshop.
a client want work with postfinance plugin, but this is the badest plugin I have ever see. on github is version 3.0.12 online .. on Wordpress only 3.0.7 .. I don’t know how you can have clients with this style of workflows .. we should use Woocommerce 9.1.4 but 9.2.4 is out .. come on wallee you can it better or not?
I belive that if you choose Postfinance gateway you are obliged to use this plugin. Unfortunately it doesn’t even fullfill minor requirements and can become developers hell. I have contacted postfinance and documented the issues but only got arrogant replies, they don’t bother at all. Last time (back in autumn 2023) I crashed a full website by deactivating WooCommerce. The plugins code doesn’t even contain a simple check if WooCommerce is runing so it then calls non existing Woocommerce functions which makes the system fully crash. Not nice. I sent this and further code samples to Postfinance — obviously they don’t care and I’m quite sure nothing has been done. They ask you to not update WooCommerce untill they have fixed their stuff — you couldn’t make this up, just a joke.
We have experienced significant issues with the plugin designed for PostFinance integrations since a long time. Despite our efforts to highlight these concerns, alongside other companies, to PostFinance’s senior management, problems persist. The plugin struggles to stay updated with WooCommerce, leading to frequent issues on client websites after updates.
We suggest revisiting the choice of service providers for these critical components. Switzerland is home to many reputable companies with a proven track record of reliability and expertise, which could substantially improve the service quality.
It’s disappointing to see these challenges continue, especially given PostFinance’s reputation. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Wallee, previously known as CustomWeb GmbH, has historically faced criticism for its support and development of WordPress plugins.
Prompt action to address these matters would greatly benefit the security and efficiency of websites linked to PostFinance.
Fehlerhaftes Plugin, schlechter SupportNicht mal die Kassenseite funktioniert mehr, gibt nur 404 aus und im Backend kommt seit Wochen nur die Info:“A version of the PostFinanceCheckout plugin is yet to be released for this version of WooCommerce.”
Plugin is rarely updated, always beyond WooCommerce version. Errors happening during payment, no support available.
Is there an alternative plugin to handle PostFinance with WooCommerce?
Every time there’s an update, something doesn’t work. Problems don’t get fixed for weeks. The company seems totally overwhelmed. I don’t know why the swiss Post is partnering with this company. We’re thinking about ending the collaboration.
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«PostFinance Checkout» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
3.0.7 — Jun 14 2024
- [Feature] Upgraded PHP-SDK to 4.2.1
- [Tested Against] PHP 8.2
- [Tested Against] WordPress 6.5.3
- [Tested Against] Woocommerce 8.9.1
- [Tested Against] PHP SDK 4.2.0