Этот плагин был закрыт с 19.03.2023, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Нарушение руководства по плагинам.
Is not SSL/HTTPS friendly, browsers give not secure error. Works well otherwise.
Checked with latest versions of WP and WC.
Plugin has absolutely zero styling but dont dare say anything
like the people before me , this guy is a NO machine
No Support This , No support Themes, No support happy people
WHy bother Dude. Hang it up and let someone who cares adopt it
1 ответ
Once installed could no longer access my Widgets page from the dashboard.
I don’t know why someone is writing that the plugin does not have a register link. It does have! It has all the necessary functionality. The only disadvantage for me and therefore I give 4 stars out of 5 that I haven’t found css to add a white background for my widget. It seems that it is using default theme css…
Great Functionality, but the plugin could do with some preset CSS Styles to encourage a larger and faster adoption rate amongst users with limited coding knowledge.
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